Time Rules for Volleyball
Official volleyball matches do not have time limits regulating the length of the game. In regular tournament play, teams win a volleyball match by winning two out of three sets. Game length varies because some point rallies may take longer.
Drills for Volleyball Spikes
It's no accident that a successful volleyball spike is also known as a "kill." A well-executed spike during a game can gain points, improve team dynamics, and intimidate the opposing team. Without practicing proper form, however, players can send spikes flying out of bounds, or into the net.
Regulation Height for a Volleyball Net
The regulation height of a volleyball net depends on certain factors, such as if the game is being played by men or women, as well as the age of the players involved and the number of players on a team. Whether the game is being played indoors or out also plays a role in determining the height.
Volleyball Drills for Children
Volleyball is a relatively low-cost athletic option that helps children improve agility, hand-eye coordination and general sports conditioning. In addition, it exposes children to the challenge and entertainment of team sports.
Volleyball Substitution Rules
In indoor volleyball, each team has six players on the court at all times. A team can substitute players on the bench for players on the court, but it must follow the substitution rules. Failure to follow substitution rules will result in penalties against your team, such as a lost time-out.
Volleyball Setter Rules
Volleyball setters use their hands to hit the ball and put it in good position for the hitter or attacker to spike it into the opponent’s court. Setting requires specialized training and practice.
Volleyball Blocking Rules
Volleyball players use a technique referred to as a block to stop an attack, usually a spike, from the opposing team. To perform a block, players jump, reach high beyond the net with their hands and stop the ball from coming across. To be a legal block, players must follow specific rules or a violation may occur.