What Are the Benefits of Sauna & Steam Rooms for Asthma?
If you have asthma, your airways swell and become narrow, making breathing more difficult. Common signs of asthma, according to MayoClinic.com, include coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.
How to Use a Dry Sauna
After a workout or a stressful day at the office, the calming heat of a dry sauna is an alluring option. The dry heat of a sauna causes the body to sweat and incurs deep relaxation for many people.
Paraffin Bath Instructions
Paraffin baths were once a pricey spa treatment available only to patrons or a soothing technique used in rehabilitation and medical programs. Fortunately, several home-product manufacturers have developed paraffin baths for individual use at home.
Differences Between Essential Oils & Fragrance Oils
Many people confuse the terms "essential oil" and "fragrance oil" because of the frequent incorrect practice of using these terms interchangeably. However, essential oils and fragrance oils are different in a number of ways.
Sauna vs. Steam Room
The difference between a sauna and a steam room can be summed up simply -- dry vs. wet. Saunas provide dry heat, while steam rooms generate moist heat. Both can open up your pores, loosen up your muscles and help you relax. Which one is right for you? It's mostly a matter of personal preference.
Pros and Cons of a Sauna
A sauna is a wood-enclosed room, whose temperatures can be as high as 185 degrees Fahrenheit. The room is warmed by heated stones, on which water is tossed to produce heat. Sauna patrons sit or lie on wooden benches. Saunas are a mainstay at spas, where they are used for skin cleansing.
How to Improve Skin Health While in the Steam Room
Steam is good for your skin because it open up your pores to let out the toxins and impurities. Whether you’re heading to the spa for a steam session or you decide to hit up the steam room after the gym, there are some things you can do to maximize your time in the steam to get the most for your skin.
The Benefits of Steam Showers
The steam shower is an amenity found in many fitness centers, athletic clubs and homes. Simple in design, the basic steam shower consists of an enclosed tile room with a steam generator. Steam showers, or steam baths, are a centuries-old tradition dating back to ancient Rome.
Benefits of Sauna for Skin
Provided a physician deems you healthy enough to take one, saunas are very valuable for your skin. According to the website Steam-Sauna-Benefits.com, enjoying a sauna can relieve tension and stress and strengthen the immune system. Beyond those values, Steam-Sauna-Benefits.
Health Benefits of a Dry Sauna
Saunas are essentially rooms with exceptionally high heat, designed to promote health in those who use them. The heat may be administered through a wood stove or an infrared heater or even an electric heater. The room is relatively sealed to contain the heat.
How to Use a Sauna and a Steam Room Properly
Using a steam room or a sauna is a beneficial way to relax the muscles, revitalize the skin, improve blood circulation, and ease mental stress.
How Often Should One Take a Steam Bath?
Steam baths provide a variety of health and beauty benefits, suitable for almost anyone. Warm, moist heat supplies sink in to the skin, joints and muscles. The skin first responds by opening the pores, cleaning several layers deep into the dermis.