5 Things You Need to Know About Acetylcholine

Acetylcholine is an excitatory neurotransmitter that conducts electrical impulses through a series of actions, making it possible for nerve cells to communicate with muscle cells and generate muscle contractions.

Livestrong Contributor
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How to Slow Down Your Metabolism and Gain Weight

If you want to change your weight, there’s good news: your metabolic rate isn’t fixed for life. Metabolism can and does change over time, and you can take steps to speed it up or slow it down. If you intend to start gaining weight, see your doctor before you begin to hammer out details of a healthy plan to follow.

Sarah Davis
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Does Fasting Speed Up Metabolism?

Losing weight requires you to eat fewer calories than you burn, so it seems logical that eating no calories would lead to the quickest loss. Fasting, however, does not speed up your metabolism -- and may actually backfire by slowing down your metabolic processes to compromise your ability to successfully drop pounds.

Andrea Cespedes
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What Is the Role of ATP in Metabolism?

ATP is short for adenosine triphosphate, a crucial chemical in human metabolism that has been called "chemical currency" because the cells use it as a direct source of energy.

Kirstin Hendrickson
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Does Eating Every Three Hours Really Raise Metabolism?

It's a well-established "rule" that frequent meals boost your metabolism and prompt weight loss, but research doesn't necessarily back this rule up. While this eating pattern helps some people, it isn't absolutely necessary for healthy weight management.

Andrea Cespedes
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Eating and Exercise Tips for Your 30s (Infographic)

When you’re in your 30s, your basal metabolism begins to drop. From this age on, the average adult will gain a pound a year. Here's what you need to know.

Jess Barron
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When Does a Teen's Metabolism Slow Down?

Because a number of factors can affect metabolism, there isn't a particular age when a teen's metabolism slows down -- it varies from one teenager to another.

Jessica Bruso
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Are There Herbs That Slow Down Your Heartbeat?

Many herbs may help slow your heart rate. According to MedlinePlus, your heart rate, or pulse, is the number of times your heart beats in one minute while you are at rest. Numerous factors can affect your resting heart rate, including your fitness level, your age and your health status.

Martin Hughes
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Does Exercise Affect the Urinary System?

The urinary system consists of the kidneys and bladder, along with the ureters and urethra. It has multiple functions, among them excreting toxins and metabolic by-products, maintaining the body's fluid and acid-base balance, regulating electrolyte levels and secreting several important hormones.

Joe Miller
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What Is the Difference Between Slow & Fast Metabolism?

The metabolism gets blamed for weight issues on both ends of the spectrum. If it's too slow, you may battle to lose weight; if it's too fast, you may struggle with gaining. Whether it's slow or fast, tweaking your diet and exercise habits may help you manage your metabolic rate.

Jill Corleone, RDN, LD
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Avocado & Progesterone

Avocados are rich in a number of nutrients, particularly vitamins, fatty acids and compounds called plant sterols. The plant sterols in avocados have an effect on hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone, which are both responsible for regulating ovulation and menstrual cycles.

Sirah Dubois
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How Many Calories Does it Take to Breathe?

Your body burns calories every minute of every day, whether you're asleep, watching television, working at the computer or working out.

Ruth de Jauregui
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