How to Cook Smoked Bone-In Ham in a Crock Pot

When you need a simple, but special, meal idea, it's hard to beat a smoked ham. These hams have already been cooked so they only need to be reheated. The crock pot is an ideal method because it keeps the meat moist and tender. Opt for a ham that weighs no more than 6 pounds.

Julie Christensen
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How to Cook Sausage in a Tomato Sauce Gravy

Italian-Americans on the east coast of the U.S. often call tomato sauce "gravy." Apparently it comes from the Italian word sugo, which means gravy. Sugo al pomodoro is tomato gravy, and sugo all'arriabbiata is a spicy tomato gravy.

Ramona French
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How to Cook a Rack of Lamb for a Barbecue

Lamb is a non-gamey tasting meat that is tender and rich in flavor. Lamb is most often cooked rare or medium rare. When buying your rack of lamb, choose a pink to pale red cut that has firm white marbling. A rack of lamb has eight ribs which are usually stripped of all meat and tendons for a prettier presentation.

Kimberlee Leonard
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How to Reheat Meat in a Microwave

Reheating meals in the microwave can be both convenient and time-effective. Nearly everything can be reheated in a microwave, including meat.

Amber Canaan
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How to Pan Sear Then Bake Steak

While a steady diet of steak is not a healthy choice – your calories and your risk for some cancers increase when you eat steak, according to the Harvard Family Health Guide -- a steak dinner or sliced steak in salads and fajitas makes a tasty, if occasional, treat.

Susan Lundman
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How to Cook a Rolled Beef Chuck Roast in the Oven

Beef chuck roasts are often irregular in size and shape, which leads to uneven cooking and an unattractive serving display. Chuck roasts are commonly rolled and tied in a uniform round shape to ensure even cooking.

Amelia Allonsy
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How to Cook Rib Eye Steaks on the Stove Top

The rib eye is a beefsteak taken from the side area near the ribs. The characteristic marbling in the meat helps to keep it tender when cooking. Rib-eye steaks vary in size, but they are usually about 1 to 1 1/2 inches thick.

Darla Ferrara
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How to Cook an Uncooked Ham Steak in a Pan

A ham steak is a cut of ham purchased uncooked or smoked. They're generally between 1/4 and 1/2 inch thick. Ham steaks make a convenient meal, especially for one or two people, being smaller, quicker and less complicated to prepare than an entire ham roast or other pork dish.

Eric Mohrman
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How to Barbecue a Brisket With Coca-Cola

A cut of beef taken specifically from the animal’s breast and shank, brisket is a relatively tough piece of meat. But with a good marinade and a slow-and-steady cooking process, the once-tough meat becomes tender, juicy and full of flavor.

Krista Sheehan
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How to Cook Ground Beef With Water

Freezer cooking is when you prepare several meals – even a month’s worth – at one time. Cooking in advance and freezing the meal for reheating later can save time, especially for a busy mom. The majority of meals that are safe for the freezer call for cooked ground beef.

Tocarra McBride
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How to Cook Sausage and Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut, a popular dish in Germany, is pickled white cabbage, both salty and sour. The salt monopoly during Fredrick the Great’s reign may have led to the way in which to preserve sauerkraut, thus creating its flavor, according to “The Home Book of German Cookery.

Cecilia Harsch
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How to Grill Thin Steak

While thin steaks are ideal for portion control, getting a high-quality sear on them without overcooking the interior can be difficult. Searing is very important -- steaks with little to no sear have poor flavor and an unpleasant texture.

Kurt Schrader
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