Herbs That Remove Ascites in the Abdomen
Ascites is a condition where fluid builds up in the abdomen and may result in swelling, chest pain and shortness of breath. The main cause for ascites is cirrhosis of the liver, notes Drugs.com. The website adds that ascites may also be caused by cancer, kidney disease, pancreatitis and heart disease.
Foods Not to Eat With Kidney Stones
A stone is a hard piece of material that forms in your kidneys when calcium, oxalate or phosphorus substances in the urine become concentrated. Kidney stones are one of the most common urinary tract disorders and may be extremely painful to pass.
Can Lemon Juice Dissolve a Kidney Stone?
Passing a kidney stone can be a painful experience. And kidney stones often recur. According to Roger L. Sur, MD, director of University of California San Diego Comprehensive Kidney Stone Center, if you’ve had one kidney stone, there is a 50 percent chance that you will develop another within five to 10 years.
Special Diet for Post Kidney Stone Removal Surgery
Kidney stones are rock-like formations that develop in or near the kidneys. They are composed of various minerals, usually calcium. Certain kidney stones may require surgery. The type of procedure depends on where your kidney stones are located and how large the stones are.
Black Pepper and Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are crystal-like concentrations of minerals that normally pass from the kidney in urine or else become lodged in the kidney and grow larger. The condition is fairly common, with 5 percent of Americans developing these stones at some point, according to Brigham and Women's Hospital.
Running With Kidney Stones
The pain of kidney stones -- painful mineral deposits in the urinary system -- often can be enough to make you hang up your running shoes until the stone passes. However, you don't necessarily have to give up exercise until you're feeling better.
Bananas to Help Prevent Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are the most prevalent urinary tract disorder in the United States, affecting over 1 million Americans every year, according to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse.
Do Coffee and Caffeine Cause Kidney Stones?
Experiencing the back pain, groin pain, fever, chills, nausea or vomiting associated with kidney stones may spur you to change your lifestyle to avoid further stone formation. A kidney stone is solid mass of crystals that can collect in your kidney or anywhere else in your urinary tract.
Burning Symptoms of Kidney Stone
Kidney stones develop in the urinary tract system in the human body. The two kidneys reside in the back, one on each side of the spinal cord, and below the rib cage. The ureter, a tube below the kidney, links the kidneys to the urinary bladder or sack. The urinary bladder holds the urine produced by the kidneys.
Is Okra Good for You?
Gumbo is the Swahili word for okra -- a podded green vegetable that came to America from Africa during the slave trade. As a plant derived from the hollyhock family, it grows annually in warm weather.
How Does Flomax Work for Kidney Stones?
size, symptoms, location what are they treatments
Sports Drinks & Kidney Stones
Sports drinks have come under fire as a contributing factor for the increased incidence of kidney stones. Because sports drinks contain potassium and sodium in their ingredients, it is assumed these salts contribute to an increased urinary calcium excretion, causing the formation of kidney stones.