Normal Prostate Weight
Your prostate gland -- found at the base of your bladder -- is normally the size of a walnut. It can become larger with age, causing uncomfortable urinary symptoms such as the sensation of being unable to completely empty your bladder.
The Ideal Body Weight for Petite Women
Your ideal body weight is largely based on your height. Even petite women can use their height to determine their ideal body weight. However, it's also established by your body frame, which falls into one of three categories: small, medium and large.
Is There an Ideal Weight for a Man of 5 Feet, 7 Inches?
There isn't one ideal body weight for all men of the same height, since body composition plays a role. Muscle weighs more than fat, so a muscular guy could weigh more than a man of the same height who carries much of his weight as fat.
I Am Skinny But Have Excess Stomach Weight
You may wear a small size and look slender to your friends, but underneath those petite clothes, you're lacking muscle and holding a large amount of fat. The condition, colloquially known as "skinny fat," or, in medical literature, as "normal weight obesity," can have serious health implications.
Height & Weight Requirements for Army Recruits
Failing to meet U.S. Army weight and height requirements may disqualify you as a potential recruit. Although as of January 2009, the Army does have a weight waiver that, in some cases, may allow you to enlist and lose weight during basic training, height requirements remain firm.
What is the Average Weight & Height for Toddlers?
Children come in all shapes and sizes. Some are short, some are tall, some are stout and some are thin. Both genetic and environmental factors influence height and weight. The average height and weight of children varies by gender, age, race, ethnicity and nationality.
The Ideal Weight Range for Women
The ideal weight range for women varies depending on who you ask and which chart you consult. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, being an ideal weight does not mean having an ideal body.
Ideal Weight for a Toned 5'10" Male
Your body mass index, or BMI, is a measure of your body fat based on your height and weight, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. In order to be at an ideal weight, you must have a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9. A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, and below 18.5 is considered underweight.
What Is a Man's Ideal Weight?
The standard for determining what is a man’s ideal weight has changed in recent years from insurance companies’ Weight-for-Height tables to Body Mass Index (BMI) tables that correlate height and weight with BMI.
Are There Ideal Weight and Height Ratios?
Weight-to-height ratio tables show you exactly what range your weight should be for your height, so you can easily see if you are overweight, underweight or healthy.
Normal Weight & Height for a Three-Month-Old Baby
Once a baby is born, one of the parent's biggest concerns is making sure the baby is normal. A normal height and weight indicate the baby is healthy and growing. As only the doctor can indicate what is normal for a particular baby, regular checkups are required to be sure the baby is healthy.
The Standard Waist & Hip Measurements Based on Height & Weight
Bodies come in all shapes and sizes, so you won't find a chart that lists standard waist and hip size to go with each height and weight. You will, however, find a healthy weight range for each height, a healthy waist size range for a given hip size, and a healthy waist size range for a specific height.