Lasix & Diet
Lasix -- or furosemide -- is a type of loop diuretic prescription drug used to treat many conditions such as high blood pressure, fluid retention, kidney or liver disease, or other medical conditions.
Diet for Pregnant Women With High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, occurs when blood moves through vessels at a higher pressure than normal. In pregnancy, high blood pressure is often called preeclampsia.
Does Exercise Raise Blood Pressure?
Exercise and physical activity in general is good for your health. Over time, a regimen of cardiovascular workouts helps you maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
Does a High Sodium Intake Cause Bloody Noses?
If you are getting bloody noses after eating a meal high in sodium, you might want to think about changing your diet. While bloody noses are often caused by dry air, allergies, colds and vigorous nose blowing; they are also caused by hypertension.
Does Eating Mustard Help Lower High Blood Pressure?
Your risk for heart disease, kidney disease and stroke increases if you have high blood pressure, or hypertension. No single food can lower your blood pressure, but mustard seed, oil and greens can all contribute to a balanced diet for controlling blood pressure.
Herbs That Would Act As a Natural Beta Blocker
Beta blockers are conventional drugs that block the stress hormones that trigger the “flight or fight” response. These hormones place demands on the heart muscles, nerves and blood vessels throughout your body and can contribute to disorders such as anxiety, hypertension, glaucoma, angina and cardiac arrhythmias.
Beta Blocker Withdrawal Symptoms
The Harvard Medical School Patient Education Center describes beta blockers as a class of prescription drugs used for a variety of ailments such as high blood pressure and coronary artery disease.
Milk Thistle & High Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is defined as the pressure pushed against artery walls as a result of the heart pumping blood. High blood pressure occurs when the artery wall pressure rises above 120 systolic and 90 diastolic, which is measured in millimeters of mercury.
What Are the Causes of Numbness in the Hands & Arms?
Numbness in the hands and arms is usually caused by some type of peripheral neuropathy, which is a problem with the peripheral nerves that affects the way sensory information is carried from the central nervous system. Peripheral neuropathy can be caused by damage to the nerve or excess pressure exerted on the nerve.
Vitamins to Help Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure and hypertension affect millions of Americans. If you have high blood pressure, you have a greater risk of heart disease or stroke. Often times, high blood pressure is aided by a vitamin deficiency.
Effects of High Altitude on Blood Pressure
Living at or traveling to high altitudes can raise a person’s blood pressure, depending on the rate of ascent and the amount of time spent at the high altitude. The International Society of Mountain Medicine describes high altitude as 5,000 to 11,500 feet above sea level.
What Herbs Are Similar to Metoprolol?
Metoprolol is a conventional drug prescribed for hypertension, angina, arrhythmia and heart failure as well as to prevent heart attacks. It relaxes blood vessels, slows your heart rate, improves circulation and lowers blood pressure.