How to Remove Facial Wax
Waxing looks simple enough when you're in the chair at the salon. Your tech slathers some wax on your face, applies a strip over top and yanks the hair out.
Potential Causes of a Dark Upper Lip
A dark upper lip can be cause for embarrassment and concern. If you previously had smooth, even skin tone, seeing a darkening of the skin above your lip will likely seem obvious when you look in the mirror.
How to Remove Ingrown Arm Hair
An ingrown hair develops when hair grows back into the follicle. The body reacts as if a foreign body has entered the skin, resulting in redness, pain and inflammation. Although ingrown hairs are most common in young black males, they can affect any age or race.
Honey-Lemon Hair Removal
Honey and lemon juice can be combined to make a natural solution for hair removal. Together, honey and lemon juice form a sort of wax that can be applied to the skin and lifted away to remove hair from the root. While you can buy honey- or sugar-based waxes, this mixture can be made at home inexpensively.
Homemade Remedy for Unwanted Facial Hair
If you have unwanted facial hair, it can be a constant battle to keep the fuzz away. Shaving only works for a few days, and depilatory creams can irritate sensitive skin. You don't need to slather your face with chemicals to get rid of hair. An old-time, natural remedy called sugaring works just as well as waxing.
The Best Shampoos to Remove Chlorine From Hair
Chlorine, along with other chemicals, protects swimmers from exposure to bacteria while in the pool. Although swimmers are used to the chlorine in pool water, dealing with the effects of chlorine exposure to their hair is more problematic. Spending time in the pool can result in "swimmer's hair,"
About Plucking Eyelashes
Everyone wants long, thick lashes, which are a mark of beauty and health. Lashes also serve a practical purpose, protecting the eye from dirt, dust and other particles. Plucking the eyelashes may sometimes necessary to get rid of an overly long or unruly stray growing the wrong way.
Directions on How to Use Veet
Veet offers two different types of hair removal solutions: depilatories and waxes. Depilatories are chemical solutions that break down hair so that it may be scraped off the body. Depilatories are also typically painless, except in cases of allergic reactions or sensitivity to the hair removal chemicals.
How to Treat Wax Hair Removal Burns
Waxing is a technique of removing unwanted hair from the upper lip, eyebrows, legs and the bikini line. You place heated hair removal wax on the hair, cover the wax with a cloth and leave it there for several minutes. When you pull the cloth away, it removes the wax and unwanted hair as well.
Dangers of Nair Hair Removal
Nair is one of the most commonly used depilatory products on the market. Depilatory products are alternative hair removal methods that use chemicals to dissolve the protein (kinetin) structures of hair. This allows the hair to be easily wiped off of the body.
Are There Any Home Treatments to Grow Facial Hair?
According to Hudson’s Guide, the ability to grow facial hair is based on genetic makeup, and though there are some medical treatments for facial hair growth, most have too many side effects to use routinely. However, supporters of home remedies claim that there are some that can be used to grow facial hair.
How to Cure or Prevent Ingrown Hairs From Epilating
Epilators are small, handheld electrical hair removal devices designed to pull out individual hairs by the root. As these hairs are removed, the risk of developing ingrown hairs is higher. When your hair grows back, it may become trapped just underneath the hair follicle, causing pain and inflammation.