Why Do Football Players Wear Bicep Bands?
Players on NFL and college football teams wear bicep bands. Bicep bands range in color and size and can be worn on one or both arms. The bands are made from old socks, swatches of stretchy material or athletic tape. Nike and the NFL also have their own lines of logo-endorsed bicep bands.
Requirements to Be a College Football Coach
College football is one of the most popular sports in America. Every Saturday, fans from across the country gather in front of their televisions to support their Alma mater or favorite team. Behind each and every team is a coaching staff.
How Do Football Players Recover After Games?
Football is an exhilarating sport for spectators and players alike. The physical nature of the game requires players to keep their bodies in top shape to avoid injuries. Even with extensive training and preparation, players are left physically exhausted at the end of a game.
Equipment Needed to Play Football
When playing football you must be properly and safely equipped. Football players are covered in modern day armor to ensure their safety while playing rough and competitive football. Players may wear other items on the field, depending on personal preferences and league rules, but some equipment is not optional.
Difference Between a Football Cleat & a Lacrosse Cleat
Lacrosse and football cleats serve the same basic purpose: to give the players extra traction on different types of surfaces, from natural grass to artificial turf. This helps with player mobility while helping protect them from injury.
NFL Rules for Out of Bounds
A play that ends up out of bounds in the NFL can bring up tricky ramifications for the officiating crew. While the rules concerning out of bounds plays are similar to those in college and high school football, subtle differences exist as well.
Spleen Tear Symptoms
The spleen is an organ located in the left upper abdomen. It is highly vascular, meaning it holds a high volume of blood. A spleen injury may occur from blunt force to the abdomen, such as from playing sports or a motor vehicle accident, or as a result of abdominal surgery or infection.
How to Play Flag Football Defense
Playing defense in a flag football game can be challenging. The difficult part comes when a receiver has caught the ball in the open field. The rules of the game prevent you from bringing your opponent down to stop him. The only thing you can do is pull one of the two small flags that hang from his waistband.
Exercises for a Youth Football Workout
Youth football workouts must incorporate several elements. A program for young players must make the most out of limited practice and conditioning time while emphasizing safety.
Football Running Back Workouts & Exercises
Football is a demanding physical game for everyone who plays. However, running backs take more punishment and abuse than any other players on the field. They carry the ball, catch the ball and have to block.
Fun Practice Games for Youth Football
Learning and perfecting football techniques doesn't have to be tedious or boring. You can get your players to have fun quite easily while also working on the fundamentals of the game. With the use of some simple practice games, you'll have your players improving their passing, catching and receiving skills.
What Are Key Defensive End Drills, Tips & Secrets?
The defensive end is one of the most important players on the football field. The defensive end has two major responsibilities: He must be able to stop the opponent's running game, and he must put significant pressure on opposing quarterbacks. His goal is to "sack,"