How to Cook Scrambled Eggs With Sardines
The Monterey Bay Aquarium has placed sardines on its Super Green fish list, which includes only seafood with low levels of contaminants, less than 216 parts per billion, and those that offer at least 250 milligrams of omega-3s. Boneless, skinless sardines offer 24.
How to Cook an Egg Over-Medium
Frying an egg sounds simple enough but it can get quite complex when you are trying to keep the yolk intact while flipping to make it over-medium.
How to Cook an Egg Over Hard
Cooking an egg "over" refers to frying it on both sides. Whether the yolk is kept runny or cooked to firmness is what is meant by the terms "over easy" and "over hard." A solid cooked egg yolk is cooked to the hard state.
How to Cook Eggs on a Griddle
Cooking eggs on a griddle is all in the wrist. Functionally, the only difference in a griddle and a frying pan is the anchored cooking surface. To compensate for the unmovable cooking surface, you have to have a little finesse in your wrist, especially when cooking over-easy eggs.
How to Cook Poached Eggs Using a Metal Poacher
Whether you’re going to make eggs Benedict or eggs Florentine, or you simply want an easy way to cook eggs, poaching is a healthy alternative to frying or scrambling. Poaching requires no butter or oil and allows eggs to cook evenly throughout while still keeping the yolk intact.