Dry Scaly Skin on Legs
Along with your arms, thighs and sides of the abdomen, the lower legs are one of the most common areas in which you experience dry skin, according to the National Institutes of Health's Medline Plus website.
How to Heal Torn Skin on Your Fingers
More than any other body part, fingers take the brunt of daily activities. The longest fingers on each hand are at the most risk for injury, but all of fingertips contain sensitive nerve endings that can make a tear painful or annoying.
Extreme Dryness of the Skin
Extremely dry skin is a condition characterized by rough, itchy skin. The dryness usually occurs on the arms, legs, face and hands, and might possess cracks, scaling, lesions, peeling, pain and redness. With extreme dryness, you might even experience red patches on these areas.
How to Treat Skin Picking in Children
Compulsive picking of the skin, known medically as dermatillomania, is a compulsive behavior marked by excessive picking at parts of the body, especially the face, and is a form of self-mutilation.
How to Treat a Swollen Lip Caused by Trauma
Anyone who has bumped their lip knows how quickly it can double in size when hit in a sporting event or some accident. The soft tissues of the lips are sensitive to trauma and frequently swell significantly when injured, even from a slight bump on the lip.
What Are the Benefits of Witch Hazel for Skin Care?
Witch hazel is an extract from the leaves and bark of the North American shrub Hamamelis virginiana. It has a long history in various folk medicinal treatments. According to Drugs.com, there are more than 30 traditional uses for witch hazel including hemorrhoids, burns, cancers, tuberculosis, colds and fever.
Natural Way to Hydrate Skin Around the Eyes
The skin under the eyes tends to be thin, which is one reason wrinkles and dark circles accumulate there. Hydrating keeps the skin from becoming dry and flaky. Natural skin-care treatments around the eyes work basically the same as they would anywhere else on the body.
What Can You Put in Bath Water to Help Dry Skin?
Retooling your skincare routine to include more moisture is vital to obtaining soft, supple skin. Bath time presents a fabulous opportunity to pamper yourself with a few all-natural ingredients.
Causes for Achy Muscles & Itchy Skin
Common complaints of physical discomfort include muscle aches and itchy skin. Muscles feel achy as a result of injury or irritation to muscle tissue as well as tissues surrounding the muscles, including tendons, ligaments and soft tissue.
Skin Care for Barnacles
The term barnacle refers to a condition known as seborrheic keratosis, where large, benign spots and mole-like growths appear on the body. Usually the result of genetics and old age, there is no way to prevent these dark spots from appearing on your skin as you advance in age.
Itchy Skin on My Chest
Itchy skin can occur anywhere on your body. The American Academy of Dermatologists defines itchy skin as an itch or sensation that makes you want to scratch. Itchy skin is also called pruritus and is caused by a variety of factors.
Dry, Crusty Skin on the Eyebrows of Babies
A dry, crusty skin on the eyebrows of your baby may be due to seborrhea dermatitis. Seborrhea is a common skin rash that affects babies one month and older. This dry crusty skin can effect your baby's eyebrows, eyelashes and scalp (cradle cap).