Breast Dryness
Breast dryness is dryness of the breast’s skin on or around your nipple and outward toward the rest of your body. Many habits, factors and conditions cause such dryness -- each with their own accompanying symptoms and treatment options.
How to Care for an Embedded or Impaled Object in the Skin
The function of the skin is to protection to the body, however, it does not provide an impermeable membrane that will keep out all objects. Small items, such as wood splinters or pieces of glass can get stuck into the skin.
What Is Causing the Dry, Scaling Skin on My Hands?
Everyone develops dry skin on their hands at some point in their lives. Blame it on the weather, improper skin care, or daily tasks such as washing dishes or gardening. But, dry scaling skin on your hands that persists may be a sign of a more worrisome health problem or disease.
How to Reduce Keratin Production
Increased keratin production is responsible for a condition called keratosis pilaris. Keratosis pilaris symptoms include hardened dry bumps that have a yellow hue at the surface of the skin. The yellow hue is a result of keratin that has hardened under the skin's surface to form a plug.
Homemade Foot Soak for Dry Feet
Soaking your feet can soften dry skin while soothing aching or tired feet. While commercial foot baths are available, these are often costly and difficult to customize.
What Are the Causes of Lip Numbness?
The nerves of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system are responsible for providing sensation and movement to specific areas of the body. Any damage to the nerves, either caused by trauma or an underlying condition, can result in lip numbness, medically referred to as paresthesia.
What Causes Lip Discoloration?
Lip discoloration is the changing of one's natural lip color to that of a darker shade. The color of the lip will turn primarily dark purple or blue. Though it is not a life threatening disorder, it can be an indication of health problems. It can also be an indication that a lifestyle change is needed.
How to Clean Dark Elbows
If you are a dark-skinned individual, meaning that you have more melanin in your skin than someone with a lighter skin tone, you may notice that your elbows sometimes appear dirty. However, what looks like dirt is actually a build-up of dead skin cells that can give your skin an ashy appearance.
Is Vaseline Bad for Chapped Lips?
Dry skin is not exclusive to your face and body. Particularly in the harsh winter months, your lips can become dehydrated, cracked and flaky, leaving them chapped and in need of moisture. Vaseline is a name brand of petroleum jelly, an occlusive emollient that is recommended for the treatment of chapped lips.
Can You Use Baking Soda for Itching Skin?
You don't need to have a skin condition, such as eczema, to suffer from itching and irritation. Skin can itch for a number of reasons, including a rash, bug bite or brush with poison ivy. Store-bought anti-itch creams may help a little, but they sometimes contain ingredients that make the problem worse.
Dry Skin and the Kidneys
The kidneys work with hormones in the body to retain or excrete fluids. These organs also maintain electrolyte levels, produce urine and filter waste from the blood. When function declines because of chronic kidney disease or kidney failure, the kidneys cannot perform these normal functions.
How to Heal Dry, Cracked Hands
Our hands help us to make physical connections with the people around us -- from wiping the tears from a toddler's cheek to shaking the hand of a business associate.