The Best Way to Lighten Dark Knees & Elbows
Knees and elbows don't have it easy. They withstand frequent bending, stooping, leaning and kneeling. They take the brunt of friction caused by rough jeans and scratchy sweaters. To make matters worse, the skin around the knees and elbows contains few oil glands to provide lubrication.
Is Soluble Collagen Effective for Skin Care?
Collagen is a protein that's important for the skin. There are a number of different types of collagen. The amount and quality of collagen in your skin significantly affects your appearance. Soluble collagen is designed to easily pass through the skin’s pores.
Sand Burr Stickers and Skin Irritation
Sand burr, an unwelcome intruder in lawns and beaches throughout the Southern United States, is an annual grass that reproduces by burrs, or stickers. The burrs attach themselves to shoelaces, clothing, pet fur and even tires, and feature 1/4-inch spines that are sharp enough to penetrate skin.
The Best Skin Care Routine for an Over 40 Woman
You used to be able to wash your face and go, but lately your skin has needed a little extra help. Once you turn 40, the products you turned to in early adulthood may be too harsh or drying.
What Are the Causes of Sudden Dry Feet?
Dry feet are a common problem that can become painful if deep cracks develop in your feet called fissures. These fissures can become so painful that it hurts to walk. If the cracks are deep, they may even bleed. Heels are common place that cracks can develop, but dry feet can occur anywhere on the foot.
What Are the Treatments for Severe Chapped Lips?
Chapped lips are more than just annoying, they can be downright dangerous. The tiny cracks and fissures in the lips can harbor bacteria and cause infection.
5 Things You Need to Know About Checking A Wound For Infection
Any wound, whether a cut, abrasion, burn or puncture has the potential to become infected if you don't treat and care for it properly. Wound infection can lead to tissue and skin damage, which can then lead to serious complications, so you must deal with any infected wounds immediately.
Skin Conditions for a Flaky and Wet Scalp
A healthy scalp is often under-appreciated until something goes wrong. Then, the discomfort and physical problems of the scalp can become very uncomfortable and embarrassing. If you develop flaking or wetness on the scalp, it shouldn't be difficult to determine the cause of your scalp irregularity. However, the "
What Causes Itchy Spots on Skin?
Itchy spots on the skin can prove to be both irritating and painful when scratched. They can occur in specific areas anywhere on the body, and often appear as slightly raised bumps that itch, while the surrounding skin feels fine.
Itchy Skin From Parasites
The majority of skin parasites are worms or very small insects that make your skin their home after burrowing into it, according to The Merck Manuals Online Medical Library. Some parasites live out their entire life cycle in your skin, while others only live out a portion of it.
Reasons for Severely Cracked Heels
Cracked heels are a common foot problem, resulting from callused, dry skin. Also referred to as fissures, depending on the severity of the problem, heel cracks can lead to bleeding feet and cause extreme pain.
How to Remove Hard Skin From Feet
Pressure and friction cause the skin on your feet to thicken and harden as a protective measure. The result is rough skin, corns and calluses. While removal of hard skin is rarely medically necessary, treatment may be desired to ease discomfort or improve appearance.