Dry Cracking Skin on the Hands & Fingers
With the wrong conditions, such as exposure to allergens, excessive washing or hereditary traits, dry skin can turn from mild redness into a painful cracking and peeling skin problem. Hands and fingers are two of the most common sites of skin dryness and cracking caused by most types of eczema-based skin rash.
Dry Skin Patches on the Head
Dry skin patches on the head are caused by a couple different medical issues, including scalp psoriasis and seborrheic dermatisis of the scalp. These dry patches can be painful and embarrassing. Patches can include a few small spots or major dry areas, covering the entire scalp.
Blisters on Chapped Lips
Sore, red, chapped lips can crack open when you eat, drink, talk and smile. Blisters on the lips can make the problem even more painful.
How to Get Dead Skin to Peel
Dry, dead skin is never pretty, especially if it refuses to peel and reveal fresh skin underneath. The good news is that you can help speed up the peeling process by using gentle exfoliating and moisturizing products. The key is to do so in stages as to not take off too much skin before it's ready.
Small Bumps on My Legs
Although it can be a troublesome and annoying condition, having small bumps on your legs is generally no reason to panic. Small bumps on your legs can have a number of harmless causes. The bumps may be a result of a benign skin condition known as keratosis pilaris.
Jojoba Oil Vs. Almond Oil
Natural oils can change the course of your skin and haircare routine. Not only can they be substituted for even your most coveted products, but their price tag allows your wallet to breathe a sigh of relief.
Dry Skin & Whiteheads
If you've got dry skin and whiteheads, you're not alone. Unfortunately, even those of us whose skin always feels parched can still have recurring acne problems. As it turns out, acne can even be worsened by dry skin. To alleviate your dryness and make the whiteheads go away, your skin may need special treatment.
The Best Foot Creams for Dry & Cracked Feet
Don't get embarrassed about dry, cracked skin on your feet when you wear sandals or other open-toed footwear. Several over-the-counter foot treatments can help combat excessive dryness that contribute to rough, cracked skin.
What Are the Treatments for Lip Fissures?
Lip fissures are severe cracks in the lips and corners of the mouth. The cracks are painful, may bleed and often recurring. According to Dr. Charles Heaton of the University of Cincinnati’s Department of Dermatology, fissures occur for different reasons.
Patches of Dry Skin Clumps on a Toddler's Head
Toddlers are fairly susceptible to skin problems, including patches of dry skin on the scalp. In general, dry skin clumps on a toddler's scalp are not a cause for serious concern. They can have many underlying causes, most of which are ultimately benign.
Red, Sore Cracked Lips
Red, cracked lips are not only unsightly -- they can turn eating, drinking or even talking into a real pain. Lips become chapped and sore when they're dried out. Wintry weather is often to blame, but certain products and medical conditions can cause chapping, too.
Can You Heal Dry Cracked Hands With Vinegar?
Lotions and creams can help heal the dry, cracked skin on your hands, but a remedy from your grandmother's day may make your hands feel even better.