How to Get Rid of Chapped Lips in 40 Minutes

Your lips are a focal point on your face. Smooth, healthy lips can make you look more vibrant and attractive. People will notice your bright smile and be more receptive when you talk to them. Chapped, dry lips are a common problem because lips don't have any oil glands.

Carmen L. Diaz
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How to Get the Red out of Skin Irritation

Skin irritation and redness can be a result of many factors, including sun exposure, sensitivity to cleansers, or eczema -- a cluster of conditions that can also cause skin to itch. Determine the cause of skin redness to treat it most effectively.

Ann Jones
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Home Remedies for Cracks in Corners of the Lips

Cracks in the corners of your mouth can turn eating, drinking or smiling into a painful chore. This inflammatory condition, called angular chelitis, doesn't have one single cause. The cracks typically go away on their own, but you can help them heal faster by treating your lips with a home remedy.

Melissa King
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How to Soak Dry Cracked Feet

Dry, cracked feet are not only unsightly, but they can be painful. The causes of cracked feet can range from dehydration to obesity, which puts excess pressure on the heels.

Traci Joy
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Dry Cracked Skin Around the Toes

Dry, cracked skin around the toes is often extremely painful and can make it difficult to walk and engage in other daily activities. In most cases, dry skin between the toes is not a sign of a serious condition, and you can effectively treat the problem at home.

Amanda Knaebel
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Extremely Dry Leg Skin

Dry skin on the legs is a common problem that can occur at any age. Many over-the-counter products offer relief for periodic dry skin, and a few simple changes, such as limiting the length and temperature of your shower, might control your symptoms.

Sandra King
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Home Remedy for Deep Skin Cracks Around Nails

If deep cracks and painful, dry skin around your nails are starting to resemble a desert landscape, take quick action to restore the skin to silky smooth softness. Before you spend money on store-bought products, grab some natural ingredients from the pantry to create a soothing homemade treatment.

Kimberly Johnson
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How to Care for the Skin Once a Nail Falls Off

Repeated fungal infections of your nails or ingrown nails can require removal of the nail as a last resort of treatment. Also, crushing your nail can cause it to fall off, and some diseases, such as kidney, thyroid and liver disease, can cause you to lose a nail.

Cecilia Harsch
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Skin Blisters That Don't Heal

Whether they develop on the hands, feet or other areas of the body, blisters can be painful and frustrating. Fortunately, blisters often heal quickly without extensive care or treatment. Sometimes, however, skin blisters that don’t heal can indicate a serious medical problem.

Krista Sheehan
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What Are the Treatments for Chickenpox on the Scalp?

Since the introduction of an effective vaccine in 1995, chickenpox has become increasingly uncommon in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC. In most cases, the disease first strikes the trunk or face and then moves outward, affecting the scalp and extremities.

Heather Gloria
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How to Treat Dry Hands After Wearing Rubber Gloves

Nurses, doctors, paramedics and other professionals who regularly work with the public have to change their gloves and wash their hands dozens of times in the course of one shift. That rapid glove changing also applies to those who use rubber gloves in the home to clean or garden.

Lillian Downey
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Vitamin E & Chapped Lips

Chapped, dry or cracked lips are an all-too-common beauty dilemma, particularly in harsh weather of any kind. Many people deal with dried-out lips during the winter, but the problem can continue in sunny seasons, too -- lips contain little melanin, which provides some protection from the sun.

Ryn Gargulinski
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