The Consequences of Pushing a Child Too Hard Academically
Parents want their children to excel emotionally, physically and academically. However, pushing your child to excel academically may have surprising and unexpected repercussions. Many children thrive in a challenging social and academic environment, but not all do.
How Does Play Affect the Growth & Development of Children?
Playtime is more than just fun and games for children; in fact, playing is more like their job. It's the way young kids learn and develop new skills for their development, according to the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning.
Does Playing Sports Help Improve Grades?
Frequently noted benefits of kids' involvement in sports and physical education include improved fitness and lower risk of obesity. Although not mentioned as often, research increasingly points to academic benefits for kids who have some regular physical activity.
Activities for a Child With a Broken Leg
If your child has a broken leg, he may be on strict bed rest or he may be able to get around, but slowly, on crutches. Whatever the doctor’s orders are, a child with a broken leg is limited. However, it isn’t hard to find activities for him -- it just requires a little thought, creativity and preparation.
Speech & Tongue Development in Children
Children experience many milestones within the first two years of their lives. Among these milestones, children will learn how to use their tongues for eating, drinking as well as talking. Some children may say their first words by 4 to 5 months and most form two or three-word sentences by 18 to 24 months.
Head Cysts & Children
Cysts are closed pockets or sacs full of fluid, air, pus or other solid material. They can develop on anyone, including children. Cysts can be embarrassing, especially if they occur on an easy to notice spot such as your child’s head.
How to Teach Football to Children
Explaining football and teaching the game to children appears to be a daunting task. There are rules, positions and game strategies to consider.
Symptoms of Emotional Development Delay in an 8-Year Old Child
The early years of your child’s life create the blueprint for relationship capacity and his level of emotional awareness. Positive and negative experiences at home and school boost or deflate your child’s self-esteem and overall emotional development.
Physical Growth & Development for Early Adults
A common misconception about human growth and development is that it stops when you become an adult. While some individuals will stop growing before age 18, many people, particularly men, continue to grow physically well into their mid-20s.
Does Playing Computer Games Negatively Affect Children?
In 1966, engineer Ralph Baer invented the "Brown Box" prototype that enabled companies to create home video-gaming systems. The introduction of home computers has taken video gaming to a new dimension. Children now have a huge array of choices regarding when and how they play their computer games.
Learning How to Skateboard for Beginners for Kids
A bicycle and a skateboard are often a kid's first set of wheels. More than just a means to get to place, riding a skateboard requires balance, leg strength and stamina. Kids learning to skateboard need to take the time to learn properly while using the appropriate safety gear.
Physical Child Development Activities for 3- to 5-Year-Olds
Children between the ages of 3 and 5 are typically vivacious and enjoy turning almost everything into a game. This innate playfulness is beneficial, because physical activity helps them develop the motor skills and confidence they’ll need for the rest of their lives.