How to Teach Children to Have Positive Attitudes
In a world filled with negativity, violence and suffering, a positive attitude can make life more manageable. Although it's impossible to fully control life events, you can control your reactions to what happens. This attitude enables you to develop the strength to deal with life’s challenges.
Can You Help Kids Grow Taller?
Your child's maximum height is determined by genetics. Kids generally end up between the average of their parents' heights and the height of the parent of the same sex. He may also follow your growth pattern, so if you had your growth spurt later in your teen years, he may also shoot up around the same time.
Creative Punishments for Youth Forgetting Homework
If you've gotten yet another call from your child's school reporting that he's forgotten his homework, you're probably out of patience. Whether your child is forgetful or just doesn't want to do his homework, he needs to get it done anyway.
The Difference Between Typical and Atypical Development in Children
Children have so many ways in which they need to develop: language skills, cognitive skills, social skills and physical skills.
The Physical Impact of Technology on Children
Advances in technology allow children to have Internet access through computers and cell phones. Even if a parent is diligent in limiting a child's time on those devices, TV, iPods, MP3s, DVD players and video games are waiting in the wings, vying for your child’s attention.
Ideas for Kids to Dress Up Like Old People
During elementary school, kids are often encouraged to dress up as 100-year-olds for the 100th day of school. Other times, they may just want to be senior citizens for Halloween. This costume is simple as long as you have a few key items, which can often be picked up at thrift stores or from friends and relatives.
Making Teen Boys Do Their Homework
You were a teen once, which is why you know firsthand that it may not be fun for your teenage son to do his homework, but as soon as he’s done he’ll have all weekend to focus on the fun stuff. You are intelligent enough to see it that way now, but your teenage son may not see it that way just yet.
Ideas for Songs for Pre-Teens to Perform in a Talent Show
Many preteens are preoccupied with their social alliances and desire to make a good impression on their peers during social events such as talent shows. Fast, uptempo songs are more likely to get audiences out of their seats, while ballads give performers an opportunity to showcase their vocal skills.
How Cultural Differences Influence Adolescent Development
With multiculturalism spreading through the world, many parents may begin to wonder about what kind of influence their family, ethnic or national culture will have on their growing adolescents.
Do Late-term Babies Hit Milestones Faster?
Although individual children grow at different rates, full-term babies delivered after 37 weeks have had more time to develop before birth. As a result, they’re more likely to hit their developmental milestones on time, whereas infants born prematurely may lag behind. Noted pediatrician Dr.
At What Age Do Kids Stop Believing in the Tooth Fairy?
Very few children emerge from middle childhood without figuring out the truth about the tooth fairy, but a definite age for this realization is difficult to determine because every child is different.
Excessive Salivation in Kids
Children generally gain full control over salivation by age 4. In some cases, excess salivation isn't anything to worry about, but it sometimes accompanies health conditions. When your child's body produces too much saliva, it often causes drooling, which can be embarrassing for parents and children.