What Foods Should I Not Eat After Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes fat from selected body areas. It is commonly performed on the abdomen, thighs, arms, buttocks and hips. Although liposuction is not a weight-loss solution, it is an option to remove centralized fat that is unresponsive to diet and exercise.

Lee Francis
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What Happens When Your Body Fat Drops Low?

Although it's more common in the United States to have too much body fat than too little, make sure you don't go too far in your weight-loss efforts. If your body fat drops too low, it can have health consequences, just as when your body fat is too high.

Jessica Bruso
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Benefits Of Powerlifting

Powerlifting, a strength sport where you compete in the squat, bench press and deadlift, allows you to build muscle and burn fat. Powerlifting, like other forms of heavy resistance training, strengthens your skeleton and reduces your risk of injury in other sports and activities.

Anthony Marrone
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Causes of Elevated Lipase

Lipase is an enzyme that is found in several different places in the body, including the pancreas, intestines, and liver. In the pancreas, lipase helps in digestion of food by breaking down components of fat called triglycerides into smaller molecules that can be easily absorbed. According to the website Healthline.

Farrokh Sohrabi, MD
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How Do I Know If I'm Gaining Muscle Weight or Fat Weight?

When you weigh yourself, the scale cannot differentiate between muscle, fat, water, bone or internal organs. In fact, a scale doesn't know if you are human being or a bag of rice. If you have recent weight gain, it's important to know if it's muscle or fat.

Elisha Ryan
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Reasons for Breast Lactation

The breasts are made up of a series of structures called lobules, connected to the nipple by a series of ducts, and surrounded by fat and connective tissues. Lactation, the release of milk from the breast, occurs upon the maturation of cells within the lobules.

Sylvie Tremblay, MSc
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Does Fat Convert to Glucose in the Body?

Your body is an amazing machine that is able to extract energy from just about anything you eat. While glucose is your body's preferred energy source, you can't convert fat into glucose for energy; instead, fatty acids or ketones are used to supply your body with energy from fat.

Jill Corleone, RDN, LD
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What Is Fat-Free Body Mass?

Fat-free mass, also known as lean body mass, refers to all of your body components except fat. It includes your body's water, bone, organs and muscle content. However, when it comes to weight management and body composition, fat-free mass refers primarily to muscle mass.

Janet Renee, MS, RD
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Baby Fat in Teenagers

Influenced by what he sees on TV and in magazines, your teen may worry that he's not thin enough. Some teens take longer to grow into their adult height than others and may continue to harbor some of that "baby fat."

Jill Corleone, RDN, LD
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NFL Quarterback Jay Cutler Was Fat Shamed for This Picture

NFL quarterback Jay Cutler was the victim of body-shaming after his wife, Kristin Cavallari, posted a photo on social media.

Leah Groth
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Accuracy of the Caliper Test for Body Fat

Accuracy varies among fitness-assessment protocols and should be considered when choosing methods of body-fat testing.

Mandy Ross
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How to Lose Body Fat Without Losing Breast Size

The breasts consist of ducts, lymph nodes, blood vessels and lobes, but they also contain a great deal of fat. When it comes to weight reduction, your body loses fat as a whole instead of in one specific area.

Kevin Rail
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