How to Determine Your Pounds of Body Fat
Most body fat measurements tell you what percentage of your weight is made up of fat tissue. When you know this percentage and your total weight, you can easily figure the number of pounds you carry in fat.
How Does a Tanita Scale Work?
Bioelectrical impedence analysis is the method that Tanita scales utilize to measure body fat. These devices work by measuring the resistance of a small, water-conducted electrical signal that is sent through the body.
How to Perform the Body Fat Pinch Test
Getting on the scale may be useful in helping you gauge whether you’ve lost weight, gained a few pounds, or are holding steady, but it won’t give you insight into your body composition -- the relative proportion of fatty tissues and lean mass in your body. Body composition can be a predictor of your overall health.
On Average, How Long Does It Take to Lose Belly Fat?
If you’re having trouble fastening your waistband, the extra weight in your belly that's causing the problem probably didn’t happen overnight.
How to Get Rid of Leg Fat Deposits
Many dieters who have pear-shaped frames are genetically predisposed to accumulate excess fat around the hips and thighs. This affects more women than men. Excess fat deposits on your legs can be concealed during cooler weather, but once temperatures rise, they're difficult to hide.
Is There a Difference Between Body Mass Index & Body Composition?
Body mass index, or BMI, and body composition are ways to determine whether you're at a healthy weight -- and, by extension, if you're facing a higher risk of obesity-related illnesses, like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
At What Body Fat Percent Do You Start Losing Your Period?
For many years, experts have investigated the effects of low body fat on menstrual cycles in women. Some women with low body fat percentages report several irregularities, including infrequent periods, abnormally painful periods and even no period at all.
Why Does Fat Accumulate Around My Belly?
Call it your "muffin top," "middle-age spread," "jelly rolls" or "apron," but there's nothing harmless about belly fat. Excessive belly fat puts you at a high risk of developing chronic disease. Men with a waist larger than 37 inches and women with one larger than 31.
How to Increase Body Fat Percentage
Too much body fat puts you at risk for chronic disease, but having too little can also endanger your health and well-being. Older adults or those recovering from illness sometimes experience unintentional weight loss that leads to very low body fat levels.
The Normal Percentage of Body Fat for Women
Many things play a role in a person's body composition, including gender, diet, fitness level, genetics and activity level. When evaluating body fat, it is important to remember that it's not only high levels of fat that can be a risk, but also levels that are too low.
Can I Lose Body Fat in a Week?
A week gives you time to start the process of fat loss and even lose a pound or two. Losing a significant amount of body fat in seven days, though, isn't possible. Your body metabolizes fat over time to cause changes in your body composition.
How to Lose Fat & Gain Lean Body Mass
Concurrently gaining muscle and losing fat is no easy feat, but can be done with the right exercise and eating routine. When you consistently strength train and increase your protein intake as you cut calories, you create an environment in which your body builds muscle as you shred excess fat.