How to Calculate Percentage of Body Fat Loss

Being healthy doesn't only mean you're at a healthy weight, it also means you have a healthy body composition without too much body fat. Having a body that's too high in body fat can put you at an increased risk for disease, including diabetes and heart disease, even if you're at a healthy weight.

Jessica Bruso
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How Do Body Fat Scales Work & Are They Accurate?

Although a scale is a useful tool in measuring weight loss, it is limited to evaluating only one component: weight. When it comes to health risks related to being overweight, fat is the culprit. Measuring body fat percentage is a better indicator of how well your diet and exercise program is working.

Leslie Truex
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Can I Get Fat From One Day of Binge Eating?

At one time or another you probably ate way more than you intended to eat. One day of binge eating may add a pound or two, but it's temporary water weight, not fat. Continuously eating more calories than your body needs -- day after day -- is what causes fat gain.

Jill Corleone, RDN, LD
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Definition of Body Density

In physics, density is defined as an object's mass divided by its volume. Body density is essentially your compactness, or how much you weigh for every square inch of space you take up. Knowing your total body density can be helpful if you plan to use it in equations that help you estimate percent body fat.

Andrea Cespedes
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Why Do You Gain Weight Around Your Midsection?

If your waistband is feeling tight, you’re not alone – 60 percent of adults carry extra weight in the midsection, according to Kathleen Zelman, RD, MPH. Adult men, women after menopause, people who have more than a few alcoholic drinks daily, and smokers are more likely to see their midsections bulge, says Zelman.

Paula Martinac
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Will Exercise Put Me Into Ketosis Quicker?

When using a low-carbohydrate diet, the basic idea of ketosis remains critical to your long-term success. Ketosis involves burning fatty acids as your primary fuel source. Both exercise and diet play a role in your ability to achieve and maintain a ketogenic state.

Grey Evans
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The Perfect Body Measurements for Men

The perfect body measurements for men derive from having a proportionate build and the ideal male body shape. The Style-makeover-hq website reports that the perfect male body shape is a trapezoid. The trapezoid shape features a broad chest and shoulders and a medium-to-narrow hip and waistline.

Miguel Cavazos
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What Is a Good Body Fat Percentage for a Bodybuilder?

Body fat percentage is a number that denotes how much of your body composition is made up of fat. The healthy range is quite different for men and women, and is often very different for bodybuilders. These athletes aim for an extremely low body fat percentage so their muscles are more defined.

Leigh Reason
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What Exercise Burns Fat Around the Waist & Hips?

The American Council on Exercise confirms that spot reduction is not a viable approach to weight loss. Losing fat around the waist and hips does not require site-specific exercises. Instead, you can focus your time and energy on any calorie-burning activity.

Joel DeVyldere
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Does Too Much Coffee Make You Gain Weight?

Starting your day with a caffeine buzz isn't likely to cause weight gain -- coffee served black is low in calories. But overdoing it can make you pack on the pounds, especially if your beverage contains added sugar and milk.

Sylvie Tremblay, MSc
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Taylor Body Fat Scale Instructions

Taylor makes a variety of body weight scales, including a model that analyzes your body fat percentage. It works by using a technology called bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate the amount of fat you carry, as opposed to lean mass.

Janet Renee, MS, RD
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Foods to Avoid for Visceral Fat

Some types of body fat -- such as the visceral fat that lies deep in your abdomen and surrounds your internal organs -- are more harmful to your health than others. Visceral fat increases your risk for certain health conditions, including breast cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Jessica Bruso
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