How to Jump Higher to Slam Dunk
Dunking a basketball is one of the most challenging physical activities you can do. Regulation basketball goals are 10 feet high and you must jump well over 10 feet in order to slam home a dunk. Players wishing to dunk a basketball must improve their jumping or leaping ability.
How to Clean a Leather Basketball
A good leather basketball can last for years if you maintain it properly. Though many players don't notice, leather basketballs can collect a significant amount of dust and grime.
The Distance From the Hoop to the Free Throw Line in Basketball
The size of a basketball court varies among leagues. A professional court is larger than a high school court. Other court dimensions, such as the 3-point line, also vary. The distance of the free-throw line from the hoop is the same for all levels of play, except international competitions.
Energy Systems Used in Basketball
Three energy systems -- commonly referred to as metabolic pathways -- are responsible for the chemical reactions within cells and tissues during exercise and sports. These energy systems include the phosphagen, glycolytic and oxidative pathways.
How to Get Better With the Left Hand in Basketball
Many basketball players, even some of the pros, favor their strong-side hand -- the hand you write with, eat with and generally feel more comfortable using -- when dribbling the ball. And if you're a supremely skilled dribbler with your right hand, you can make up for some of your one-sided ball handling.
Creative Basketball Award Certificate Ideas
Many athletic coaches present their players with awards at the season's end. Award certificates can celebrate individual accomplishments or highlight the players' personalities.
What Percentage of High School Players Make it to the NBA?
Statistics provide a snapshot of information, and often apply only to the time period for which the statistics are gathered. However, a snapshot can be useful, especially if your child is proving to be a phenomenal basketball player.
Which Basketball Sneakers Have Good Arch Support?
Foot-related basketball injuries may be avoided with more support for a player's arches. Players with flat feet or high arches may be more prone to injuries and need different types of arch support.
Do Basketball Shoes Make You Jump Higher?
Some athletes can jump higher while wearing shoes designed to enhance jump height. Certain basketball shoe manufacturers claim that their shoes allow a player to jump 3 1/2 inches higher than the player can jump without the special shoes.
How Does Muscular Strength Help a Basketball Player?
Basketball is a game of movement. Except during timeouts and stoppages in play for rule violations, the game is in constant motion. Effective basketball players work extremely hard to develop the type of muscle strength needed to build up the endurance and stamina needed to successfully compete at a high level.
Why Is the Game of Basketball So Popular?
Basketball draws a huge following in the U.S. and around the world. More than 200 basketball-playing nations compete against each other, and the team title in Olympic basketball is one of the greatest sports-related honors a country can hope to achieve.
Basketball Coaching Certification
Coaching a basketball team can be one of the most rewarding experiences in sports. With a little knowledge of the game and a passion for teaching, becoming a basketball coach can be made easier by completing a certification program.