Side Effects of Prevacid for Infants
Prevacid, a medication that reduces the amount of acid made by stomach lining cells, can alleviate problems caused by esophageal reflux. The effectiveness of Prevacid in infants, however, has not been established, and the medication is not approved for use in anyone younger than 1 year of age.
The Best Formulas for a Gassy Baby
Intestinal gas is a common problem for babies, especially when they are fed formula. According to Kelly Bonyata, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and founder of, formula fed babies generally have more gas then breastfed babies.
Why Does an Infant Have Cold Feet?
Becoming a new parent is both exciting and frightening. The smallest of symptoms, such as cold feet, may have you concerned. Try to relax, because cold feet are common, especially in an infant. Infants cannot fully regulate their body temperatures, so it becomes your job.
How to Preserve Baby Teeth
Losing baby teeth is an exciting milestone in a child's life, and many parents want to remember the occasion. Children typically lose their first teeth between the ages of 5 and 7, but some may lose them prematurely due to injury. Many parents choose to save their children's baby teeth as mementos.
How to Use Gripe Water & Ovol Drops
Whether it is caused by gas or the more insidious colic, hearing your baby cry in distress is miserable. The two most popular colic home remedies are gripe water and Ovol drops.
My Baby Coughs After Drinking Water
Babies cough for a variety of reasons, including illnesses, medical conditions and irritations. If your baby coughs after drinking water, it may be a reaction to the temperature if the water is extremely cold. A very cold beverage might irritate the throat and airway.
How to Take Care of Baby Teeth Extractions
Having a tooth pulled hurts. You can’t get around that. Your dentist decided it was necessary to extract one or more of your child’s baby teeth, so you need to know what do do to handle the pain and swelling. Some dentists provide sedation dentistry, or anesthesia.
Can You Eat Peanut Butter While Breast Feeding?
Breastfeeding is the gold-standard of nourishment for the health and well-being of both mother and child. To reap the benefits, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months, with continuation for one year or longer.