What Are the Side Effects of Gripe Water?

Gripe water has had medicinal uses in treating teething and digestion in babies for over 100 years. Because of a lack of any official studies that evaluate it on a large scale, gripe water is generally accepted as an alternative medicine.

Maggie Lynn
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Colic & Adults

Most people associate colic with crying, fussy infants, but adults can also suffer from a certain type of colic. Biliary colic is a health condition characterized by extreme pain in your upper abdomen.

Amber Kelsey
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What Causes a Rash on a Baby's Face After Eating?

A rash that appears after eating can be related to various conditions, such as an allergic reaction, contact dermatitis or eczema. Each rash is the result of specific foods causing chemical reactions in the baby’s body. If the child is still on an all-liquid diet, she may have a cow’s milk allergy.

Diane Marks
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Reasons for an Enlarged Kidney in Babies

Babies can develop enlarged kidneys -- a condition known as hydronephrosis -- while still in the womb, or after birth. This condition is the most frequently discovered problem revealed by ultrasound examinations of babies in the womb.

Roberto Blizzard
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How to Keep Gas Out of Babies Stomach

When your little one has gas, he might have trouble sleeping or he might fuss and cry as the pain and pressure make him uncomfortable. Most babies suck in air as they drink, including breast-fed babies, according to the website Healthy Children.

Lillian Downey
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Does a Nursing Mother's Fiber Intake Affect Her Baby?

Fiber is an important part of the diet and can help you maintain digestive health, as well as reduce the risk of heart disease. Although breastfeeding women need to follow a healthy diet, fiber has little effect on the nutrients in breast milk.

Adam Cloe
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How Do I Know If My Stored Breast Milk Is Bad?

Breast milk offers numerous benefits to your baby, from an enhanced immune system to a higher IQ level. It provides nutrients essential for brain function that enhance cognitive development. Breast milk is easier to digest than formula, which contains cow’s milk proteins that your baby must adjust to.

Rebecca Slayton
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Discolored Baby Teeth

You expected your baby’s gummy smile to transform into a toothy toddler grin but were surprised to discover that his baby teeth weren’t exactly pearly whites. While baby teeth are usually off-white or ivory, a variety of factors can cause babies’ teeth to grow in--or eventually become--discolored, says the Mayo Clinic.

Christa Miller
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Baby & Breathing

Until your baby was born, you would never have understood how such a tiny bundle could cause so much stress. With each of her hiccups, grunts, squeaks and cries you are concerned that she isn’t okay and wonder if you should be doing something more to keep her satiated.

Christa Miller
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What Could Cause a Recurring Rash on the Face of a Breastfed Baby>

Like spit-up and dirty diapers, a recurrent rash on the face of a breastfed baby is often a natural part of babyhood that infants grow out of. But the red irritation could also mean that your baby’s body is reacting to a food or chemical.

Regan Hennessy
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The Right Diet for a10-Month-Old Baby to Gain Weight

Few things are as distressing as worrying about your child's health. If you are concerned that your 10-month-old isn't gaining enough weight, it might be time to examine his diet. Babies go through so many transitions during their first year of life, and it can be hard for parents to keep up with those changes.

Eileen Breeze
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How to Care for a Baby Wood Duck

Wood ducks are colorful, brightly marked waterfowl that frequent wetlands, swamps, marshes and lakes. They are one of only a handful of North American ducks that build their nests in trees. Soon after hatching, the ducklings jump down from the nest and make their way to the water, guided by the mother duck's calls.

Carol Sarao
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