Signs of Teething in a 3-Month-Old Baby

Most babies cut their first teeth at about six months; only 1 percent cut their first tooth before 4 months. Parents and pediatricians alike often attribute mild transient symptoms such as irritability to teething, even if teeth don't appear for months afterwards.

Heidi A. Reeves
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Milk & Diaper Rash

Milk can cause diaper rash if your child has a milk allergy or is lactose intolerant. Diaper rash is a common skin irritation that occurs on an infant's buttocks from wet diapers or excessive exposure to stool.

Diane Marks
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Weak Baby Teeth

The American Dental Association says a child's baby teeth are as important as permanent teeth because they aid in a child's speech development and set the foundation for permanent teeth.

Heather Rutherford
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A Red Rash on a Baby's Stomach After Eating

Baby rashes are common and usually nothing serious. Rashes may appear on the face or head due to normal conditions, such as cradle cap or milia. A red rash on the baby's buttocks is likely diaper rash.

Sarka-Jonae Miller
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Fever in 2-Month-Old Babies

While a fever may not be too concerning for most healthy adults and even older children, fever in newborns can be a very serious matter. Their tiny bodies can't yet regulate temperature, and getting too hot can be dangerous. Fever can also signal a number of serious problems.

Diana Rodriguez
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How to Use a Humidifier in a Baby's Room

Home humidifiers add moisture to the air in baby's room during winter months when home heating dries the air. Dry air, according to the Monroe Carell, Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt University, irritates baby's eyes, nose and mouth.

David B. Ryan
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Moving Rash in Babies

Most rashes appear in one localized area on the skin, but one rash moves from place to place on the body. Known as hives, or urticaria, this moving rash is generally harmless in babies. However, only a doctor can diagnose the rash and determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

Ivy Morris
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Causes of a Dry Cough in an Infant

A dry cough is one that does not produce any sputum, or mucus. It can be painful and forceful. Treating this type of cough in an infant depends on the underlying cause. Antibiotics may be prescribed for bacterial infections. Home treatment options include vaporizing chest rubs or the use of a humidifier.

Sarah Harding
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Normal Weight of Four- and Five-Month-Old Infants

As your child grows, it's important to know if he is healthy and growing as expected. Comparing your baby's weight to an expected weight is one way to ensure your child is growing well. Pediatricians use growth charts to accomplish this.

Leann Mikesh, Ph.D.
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Adult Cradle Cap Treatment

A red, itchy, scaly scalp is likely more than just dandruff. It could be seborrheic dermatitis, a long-term inflammatory skin condition. The infantile form of seborrheic dermatitis, known as cradle cap, typically clears up within the first year of life.

Carol Sarao
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Benefits of Colostrum Powder

Bovine colostrum powder -- a type of pre-milk fluid released from cows during the first two to four days after they give birth -- might not sound appetizing, but it might have health benefits and work as a flu preventative. Colostrum is naturally rich in antioxidants and nutrients.

Heather Topham Wood
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Infant Stomach Ache Remedies

Because an infant can’t simply tell you, it can be difficult to figure out if a baby has a stomach ache. However, common symptoms include fussiness, gas, vomiting and diarrhea. Whether caused by indigestion, gas, colic or allergy, an upset baby can disrupt the entire family.

Rose Erickson
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