My Baby Has a Fever & Red Dots All Over

If your child is suffering from a fever accompanied by a rash, the underlying cause could be a number of things. The condition may be as simple as a reaction causing hives to something more serious, such as a disease known as purpura. A visit to your doctor is the best course of action.

Laura Niedziocha
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How to Treat the Fever for an 8-Month-Old Baby

A fever is a symptom, but also an immune system response that helps the body fight infections. A low-grade fever up to 100.2 degrees Fahrenheit in an 8-month-old baby typically doesn't require treatment, according to

Eric Mohrman
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The Differences Between Baby Acne and Milia

Babies have sensitive skin and can develop a number of minor but unsightly skin conditions. Often babies will develop patches of small bumps on their faces and these can be either baby acne or milia. Both conditions are common and, though they look unpleasant, they are both harmless.

Andy Humphrey
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Do Baby Wipes Help with Acne?

Baby wipes help keep babies' skin clean and free of irritation. These inexpensive disposable moist towelettes can also help clear your skin if you have acne, although their use won't guarantee baby smoothness.

Lauren Whitney
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How to Cope With Abdominal Colic in Adults

Abdominal colic is a term used to describe severe spasmodic pain in the abdomen caused by distention, obstruction or inflammation. In adults, the spasmodic pain may appear suddenly or develop gradually and become chronic.

Sandra Ketcham
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Nine-Month-Old Baby With a Fever

In a 9-month-old, a fever is usually due to a viral infection or the common cold, according to As the body fights the infection, her body temperature rises. If your 9-month-old has a fever, it’s important to keep her hydrated and watch for warning signs.

Nicki Howell
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Ways to Soothe a Baby's Cough

Babies are especially susceptible to developing upper respiratory infections that can cause coughs because they put everything in their mouths and are often around other young children who carry germs on unwashed hands. According to the Mayo Clinic, babies commonly experience 8 to 10 colds in the first two years.

Linda Ray
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A Baby That Is Coughing & Congested

When your baby is sick with the flu or the common cold, coughing may keep her -- and you -- up all night. If your child's pediatrician approves, use natural remedies and at-home care to soothe cough symptoms. In rare cases a cough might be the sign of a more serious illness, like bronchitis or pneumonia.

Megan Smith
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How to Help a Baby's Bowels

If your baby has hard dry stool or cries when passing a bowel movement, she may be constipated. A baby can go a few days to a week without having a bowel movement and not be constipated if the stools are still coming out soft.

Raginee Edwards
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The Signs a Fever Has Broken in Infants

Fever is a normal reaction and is usually a positive sign that your body is fighting an infection. Fever means your child's body temperature is higher than normal. When fewer is breaking, the worst is usually over and your child's temperature is coming back down.

Maria Hoven
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Fever at Night in Infants & Toddlers

Having an infant or toddler who wakes up with a fever can be scary. A fever typically occurs when your child’s body is fighting an infection. A child’s fever usually gets better within a few days, according to

Nicki Howell
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How to Take Care of a Baby Painted Turtle

Painted turtles are semi-aquatic pets, meaning they live both in the water and on land, explains Aquaworld Aquarium.

Michelle Kulas
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