Women's Forearm Exercises
The primary movers of the forearm are the flexors and extensors. Strengthening the muscles of the forearm help with activities of daily living such as lifting bags and other objects. Improving the strength of the forearm may also help decrease the chance of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.
How to Get Rid Of Omentum Fat
The omentum is a flap of tissue resembling an apron that is positioned under your abdominal muscles and covers your intestines, says Harvard Medical School. The fat that accumulates in the omentum is known as visceral fat, and compared to subcutaneous fat that forms around your hips and thighs.
The Best Gym Exercises for Losing Arm Fat
Jiggly arms and fat deposits can be a frustration for women and men trying to lose weight and tone up. Although the best exercises differ for everyone, there are exercises you can do in the gym to increase muscle strength and decrease arm fat.
Therapy for a Torn Ligament in the Upper Arm
The shoulder is made up of the humerus, clavicle, sternum and scapula bones. The shoulder girdle is then made up of four joints with the primary one called the glenohumeral joint. This joint supported by several ligaments has a wide range of mobility.
How to Get Rid of Fat Lumps
Trying to fit into your favorite clothes when you have fat lumps can be tough, but there is a solution. No matter where you have lumps of fat, you can get rid of them through fat loss, which will help to smooth out lumps and improve the way you look and feel.
Exercises for Trigger Thumb
Trigger thumb is a condition that can result in your thumb being bent inwards, toward your palm, or straightened with a snapping movement. According to Orthopod.
How to Get Rid of Hard Fat
Body fat comes in two forms: subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous fat accumulates as a flabby mass just beneath the skin layer. Visceral fat is the hard buildup around your internal organs. Fat loss of any kind is beneficial, but according to Michael and Mary Eades, authors of "The Protein Power Lifeplan,"
Left Hand Writing Exercises
Left-hand writing exercises are designed to help improve your penmanship as well as the speed with which you write. They are also designed for individuals who are looking to develop their other hand in order to become ambidextrous.
Exercises to Increase Wrist Size
The size and strength of the wrists is often overlooked, even by people who spend a lot of time in the gym. Specifically, working out the wrists can build muscle on them and make them larger.
Rehabilitation Exercises for a Dislocated Finger
A dislocated finger occurs when the bones of the finger are no longer aligned correctly at the joint due to trauma. This is a common injury that happens when the end of the finger is jammed, twisted, bent or overextended. This type of injury is seen often with sports-related activities.
Jammed Finger Exercises
Jammed finger injuries range from mild sprains to dislocations. Many times a jammed finger occurs without showing symptoms other than pain. Even if you can move your finger, it can be jammed. Untreated jammed fingers can lead to arthritis or other debilitating conditions, according to the Hospital for Special Surgery.
Exercises for Scar Tissue on the Finger
Scar tissue develops as a normal response to tissue injury. Damaged skin and tissue is replaced by collagen and fibrous tissue that has less elastic properties, according to The Spinal Columns.