I Have Bruising in My Arms After Working Out
Working out by lifting weights or performing push-ups is an effective way to increase the strength in your arms. While exercise and strenuous physical activity can be uncomfortable at times, the presence of bruising or bleeding on your arms may be a sign of another medical condition or injury.
Swelling in Arms After Working Out
Swelling is an enlargement of a body part caused by fluid accumulation within tissue. If it occurs throughout the body, then swelling may be an overt symptom of a more significant problem. However, swelling that occurs in the arm muscles after a workout is a normal part of recovery.
Exercises for the Long Head of the Biceps
The biceps brachii, or biceps, is a two-headed muscle consisting of the long head and short head. Both heads originate on the scapula and attach to the forearm. The long head is the outer head of the biceps, the development of which provides the biceps peak much desired by bodybuilders.
How to Exercise With a Broken Toe
According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, broken toes are often the most painful type of foot fracture but are rarely disabling. Toe fractures can occur as the result of a severe stubbing of your toe or a direct blow to your toe -- such as dropping a heavy object.
Exercises for Inner Biceps
The biceps muscles were given their name based on how many parts they comprise. These muscles are actually called biceps brachii, which translates to two-headed muscle of the arm. Those two muscle heads, or parts, are the inner and outer head.
Complete Workout for Bicep and Tricep Exercises
A complete workout for your arms must comprise exercises for your biceps and triceps muscles. These two groups of muscles are located at the front and back of your upper arms, respectively. They act in opposition. The biceps let you bend your arms while the triceps straighten them.
Diamond Pushup Vs. Wide Pushup
Pushups are a fundamental exercise that target several muscle groups in your upper body. One of the many benefits of pushups is that you can change the feel and emphasis of the exercise simply by adjusting the position of your hands.
How to Get Big Biceps for Kids
Big biceps can be important for kids that compete in sports. Building muscles through strength training can strengthen a child’s bones, increase strength, help prevent injury and enhance motor skills.
How to Lose Masculine Arms
If you have muscular arms and want to give your upper body a leaner appearance, make adjustments to your resistance training routine. Training with heavy weights and low repetitions encourages muscle growth.
What Are the Best Ways to Get Slim Arms?
Getting slim and toned arms isn't as simple as doing arm exercises. Spot reducing doesn't work. You can perform moves to tone those muscles, but if there's a layer of fat covering them, all your hard work goes unnoticed.
How to Shrink Arm Fat
If you want to look good on the beach or in a sleeveless shirt, it's essential to keep your arms thin and toned. Unfortunately, this is not easy, especially since most typical daily activities do not work the upper arms.
How to Get Rid of the Fat Roll Above My Butt
There's a very simple equation for weight loss: you either need to cut the calories you eat or increase the calories you burn. Only when your body's in energy deficit, will you burn fat for energy. Exercising increases your body's energy demand and burns fat.