Age Spots on Teens
Although age spots typically develop in adults 40 or older, they can occur at any age — including the teenage years. Age spots can be unsightly and difficult to hide, which can be especially traumatic to a teenager.
TCA Peel Vs. Glycolic Peel
If you are looking for smoother, brighter, younger-looking skin without cosmetic surgery, chemical peels may be an option. With various types of peels available, though, knowing what is best for your skin and the results you want may be confusing.
How to Get Rid of Age Spots on Hands
While plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures can reverse the signs of aging on your face and body, the same isn't as true of your hands. The hands, unfortunately, reveal the natural passage of years most obviously in the form of brown age spots.
Can Lavender Oil Help Sunburn?
More than just an element of bubble baths, scented soaps and wedding bouquets, lavender works well as a skin-soothing agent after overexposure to the sun. Though you should always apply SPF protection prior to spending time outdoors, sunburns can happen even with the best intentions.
How to Make Vitamin C Serum at Home
Making homemade vitamin C serum for your face is as simple as throwing together your morning smoothie. All it takes is a quick trip to the local health foods store or pharmacy and a few minutes of preparation. Fresh and effective, you can reap the same benefits of branded vitamin C serums at a tenth of the cost.
What Causes Age Spots All Over the Legs & Arms?
Age spots occur when melanin, the substance that gives your skin its color, is produced in excess in a specific area of the skin. This causes melanin to clump together, giving the appearance of a brown spot. Age spots are more common after the age of 40, but can develop at any time.
How to Heal Burned Skin From Glycolic Acid
Glycolic acid is commonly used for chemical peels intended to remove wrinkles, acne and skin discoloration. A dermatologist or plastic surgeon applies a glycolic acid solution with a concentration between 40 and 70 percent directly to your face, leaves it on for several minutes, then applies a neutralizing solution.
How to Tighten Your Lips
Wrinkles, fine lines and loose skin are a natural part of aging -- and the face and mouth area, along with the neck, hands and forearms are common problem areas due to sun exposure.
Knee Exercises That Tighten Loose Joints
Your knee is the largest joint in your body and is very vulnerable to injuries. As a result, the structures that support the joint — the muscles, ligaments and tendons — can become weak and loose, making your knee unstable. Sports injuries or accidents aren’t the only causes of knee instability.
Exercises for Tightening Underarm Skin
Whether you call them grandma arms, bingo wings or bat wings, no one wants flabby, jiggly underarm skin. While age, gravity, diet and lack of exercise play a role in developing excess underarm skin, there are measures you can take to fight unsightly hanging flab.
How to Get Rid of Crepey Eye Skin
As your body gets older, your skin starts to reveal visible signs of aging. Eye skin is very thin, so wrinkles, fine lines and crepiness are most noticeable there. When skin turns crepey, eyelids look loose and saggy -- but you don't need to sit back and let change just roll over you.
Natural Ways to Tighten & Firm Your Skin
Skin is our largest organ and requires proper maintenance. According to the National Dermatology Association, there are many reasons why our skin loses its elasticity and requires maintenance and firming up. If you've lost a lot of weight, you might find you need to tighten and firm your skin.