Diet for Scabies
An itchy scalp might lead you to believe you have a lice infestation, but you might also have scabies. This infection is triggered by the human itch mite and causes an irritating skin rash or grayish-white lines that occur on the skin due to tunneling mites.
Signs of Tapeworms
Tapeworms are a type of parasite scientifically classified as Cestoda that live in the digestive and intestinal tract of animals and humans. Tapeworms are sometimes referred to as flatworms and can reach lengths anywhere from a few inches to 40 feet or longer.
Complications of Pinworms
Pinworms are a type of roundworm that can infect the body. The worms usually enter the body through food and drink that contain the pinworm eggs. The eggs hatch and the worms live inside the intestinal tract and lay more eggs. Females lay the microscopic eggs around the anus and cause extreme itching.
How to Get Rid of Ringworm on Your Leg
Ringworm on your leg is the same as ringworm on any other part of your body except the scalp, and as such, you can get rid of it the same way you would treat any non-scalp ringworm infection. Contrary to its name, this circular skin rash is not caused by a worm at all, but is a fungal infection.
Human Parasites Found in Hair
The human body can be a host to parasites, both internal and external. Some human parasites live in hair, while some simply find hair to be a convenient hiding spot. Understanding the symptoms of some of these common parasites can help you and your physician to properly diagnose and treat infestations.
Neem to Kill Human Intestinal Parasites
Neem trees are native to drier regions of Burma, India, West Africa and Southwest Asia. They can grow to 50 feet tall and live for 200 years. In Ayurveda, a traditional Indian form of medicine, neem figures into treatments for many ailments, including intestinal and other types of parasites.
The Parasites From Dogs That Can Be Transferred to Humans
As family members, dogs can transmit diseases to their human cohabitants. One class of disease that can be especially difficult to control due to the natural behavior of dogs is parasites. Dogs have no aversion to digging in the ground "bare pawed" or inspecting their own or others fecal deposits.
Remedies to Remove Lice Eggs From Hair
Although most people want head lice cured as quickly as possible, removing lice eggs from the hair is no easy task. It requires plenty of patience, persistence and a methodical approach.
How to Get Rid of Head Lice in Newborn Babies
Head lice, or pediculus humanus capitis, are tiny, wingless, parasitic insects that are common among school-age children between the ages of 3 to 12, according to Kids Health. Lice feed on blood from the scalp with a female adult louse capable of laying up to eight nits, or eggs, per day.
Can You Get Rid of Ringworm With Garlic?
Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection of the skin that develops on the epidermis, the top layer of the skin. Symptoms of ringworm include red rashes, raised rings of skin and flat patches of itchy skin. Treatment for the disease is usually antifungal medication. However, according to Brian Salt, author of "
Parasite Cleanse for Children
Parasite invasion usually occurs from the consumption of contaminated food or liquid. Bites from pests such as tics and mosquitoes is another common origin. Infection is common in young children, who tend to interact with parasite-infested environments such as gardens and playgrounds.
How to Treat Tapeworms in Children
Tapeworm infection occurs when your child ingests the egg or larvae of a tapeworm. There are three types of tapeworms that commonly affect humans. They are found in beef, fish and pork. The larvae of beef and fish tapeworms are often directly ingested by eating undercooked, contaminated meat.