Signs and Symptoms of Infection While Using IUD Birth Control
An intrauterine device, or IUD, is a long-term form of contraception. The small, T-shaped device is placed into the uterus by a health-care provider to prevent pregnancy. An IUD is a highly effective method of birth control that can remain in place for 3 to 10 years and is reversible upon removal.
Can Stress Cause Hot Flashes?
There are a number of symptoms that are associated with a hot flash. The initial symptom is a feeling of pressure in the head as the hot flash begins (in some patients this is called an aura as it signals an impending hot flash). The term "hot flash"
All Natural Fruits & Vitamins for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Heavy menstrual bleeding occurs when you must change a sanitary pad or tampon every hour for two or more hours during your period. According to the Centers For Disease Control, one in five women suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding with it becoming more common when they reach their 30s or 40s.
Can Exercising Cause You to Start Your Period Early?
Several hormones from the hypothalamus and pituitary glands in the brain and the ovaries regulate the menstrual cycle. This regulatory system is called the HPO axis.
What Can Happen If You Lose Weight During Pregnancy?
Many women consider weight loss a positive development under normal circumstances. Weight loss during pregnancy can be alarming, however, because it is the opposite of what a woman expects. According to the Mayo Clinic, women should gain between 11 and 40 pounds during pregnancy, depending on their starting weight.
Causes of Bleeding During the 9th Month of Pregnancy
Bleeding during the 9th month of pregnancy can be due to a number of causes ranging from normal changes that occur as your body prepares for labor to potentially life-threatening conditions that require immediate medical attention.
Acute Pain During Leg Raises & Ovarian Cysts
In many women, ovarian cysts remain asymptomatic and require no treatment. However they can cause a host of symptoms including acute pain in the pelvis as well as irregular bleeding.
What Causes Hot Flashes Besides Menopause?
Hot flashes are one of the characteristic signs of menopause. The sudden wash of heat across your face and entire upper body, sweating, racing heart and nausea are just the beginning. Other symptoms include feeling weak, difficulty catching your breath and a sudden headache.
Foods That Are Bad for Menstrual Cramps
Menstrual cramps can be a part of a woman’s natural cycle. High levels of chemicals known as prostaglandins can cause contractions in the uterine muscles.
How to Increase Female Sexual Desire With Herbs
Women often seek to increase their sex drive or desire, but are too embarrassed to discuss the subject with their physicians. Others can talk about it but aren't interested in taking drugs or medications. For such women, herbal remedies may provide the answer they're looking for.
Will an Ovarian Cyst Cause Pain During Exercising?
Cysts are small fluid pockets that build on the surface of an ovary. Many women have ovarian cysts and never know it. They are quite common once ovulation begins. Cyst is a generalized term for this formation. Whether they are painful or not depends on many factors.
Bloating & Fibroids
Fibroids are benign muscular growths that develop in the wall of the uterus. According to Women’s Health, fibroids are also referred to as leioymas or myomas. Fibroids usually develop in groups, but it is possible for just one fibroid to grow. Fibroids can also range in size from microscopic to weighing several pounds.