Weight Watchers Average Calories Per Day

Every 50 calories translates to approximately one point in the Weight Watchers weight-loss program, according to the Weight Watchers Points Calculator. While not requiring calorie counting per se, the program does rely on reducing caloric intake to generate weight loss.

Deal-A-Meal Diet Plan

Deal-A-Meal is meant to help you get a handle on your diet, including portion sizes. It’s not a quick fix, but rather a method for slow and steady weight loss. In general, slow weight loss trounces fast weight loss when it comes to long-term success. Always consult a health care provider before trying a new diet plan.

Basal Thermometer Vs. Regular Thermometer

Women who want to keep track of when they ovulate often choose to use a basal thermometer. These thermometers may operate the same way as a regular thermometer, but their accuracy and purpose are different.

Weight Loss & Starvation Mode

Anytime you eat fewer calories than you take in you'll lose weight, barring any medical condition that inhibits weight loss. Eating too few calories in an effort to shed pounds isn't healthy, however, and it isn't the most effective way to weight loss.

How to Lose Weight With a Herniated Disk

Approximately one in every 50 people will experience the pain, weakness and numbness of a herniated disk in their life, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

How Much Weight Will I Lose on a Water Fast?

Because water is a no-calorie beverage, you'll lose weight if it's all you're consuming. The number of pounds you drop may vary depending on the length of your fast. A water fast probably won't lead to long-lasting weight loss, however. Consult your doctor before doing any type of fast to discuss risks and benefits.

How to Trick Your Body Into Burning Fat

Don’t fall for the mythical fat burning zone listed on the heart rate monitor of your favorite cardio machine at the gym.

What Effects Does Phentermine Have on Pregnancy

Phentermine is a stimulant used as an appetite suppressant. In combination with diet and exercise, phentermine can help people lose weight. Until 1997, phentermine was also sold in combination with fenfluramine under the brand name Fen Phen.

What Causes Bulging Veins in Teens' Hands?

Bulging veins in the hands are common signs of aging; but a variety of other conditions could be the cause, some of them potentially harmful. However, in many cases, particularly those having to do with teenagers, the cause is something more benign, such as excessive activity.

Does Eating Berries Help You Lose Weight?

To lose weight you need to take in fewer calories than you use. Berries are good foods for healthy weight loss. These nutritious fruits are high in antioxidants and other nutrients. Yet they are low in “energy density,” or concentrated calories, to help you feel full and satisfied after eating.

Signs & Symptoms of Losing Too Much Weight

Although many adults in the United States who are overweight or obese reap health benefits from weight loss, losing weight too quickly or losing too much body weight can cause unpleasant -- even dangerous -- side effects.

A Diet & Exercise Plan for a 60-Year-Old Woman

A combination of diet and exercise changes is the most effective way for post-menopausal women to lose weight and body fat, according to a study published in Obesity in 2012.