How Much Weight Will I Lose on a Juice Fast?

The amount of weight you lose on a juice fast depends on a number of factors, including how many total calories you take in from the juice, your physical activity level, how long you remain on the diet, and your resting metabolic rate. On a juice fast, you get all of your calories from juice.

How to Burn Carbs Fast

Carbohydrates provide the major energy source for your muscles. Your body converts this macronutrient -- found in starchy vegetables, sugar, fruits and grains -- into glucose, which it then transports to cells for energy or stores for later use.

100- to 200-Calorie Low-Carb Breakfast Foods

Breakfast is an important meal no matter what diet you're following. Limiting calories and carbs may make putting together a breakfast meal a little trickier, but with careful planning, you can do it.

Dr. Simeons' HCG Diet Protocol

Although the HCG diet has gained popularity in the past few years, the HCG diet dates to the 1950s. Columbia University explains that British doctor Albert T. Simeons was the first medical physician to experiment with HCG for dieting purposes. Even today, Dr.

How Much Exercise Do I Need to Lose 2 Pounds a Week?

The optimal way to drop excess pounds is to use a combination of exercise and lowered calorie intake. If you have decided that you will lose 2 lb. weekly through exercise alone, you will need to perform activities that will expend a total of 7,000 calories, as 1 lb. of body fat equals 3,500 calories.

What Causes Females to Have Excess Belly Fat?

Excess belly fat is a common problem for many women. Clinically known as visceral fat, excess belly fat increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer.

How to Eat Six Times a Day & Lose Weight

It's still unclear whether eating frequent small meals leads to more weight loss than the traditional three-meals-a-day approach. However, eating six times a day can stabilize your energy levels. It also helps keep hunger at bay, which can prevent you from overeating.

How to Tell If You Have Lost Weight

Keeping tabs on your changing body is part art and part science. Gaining muscle, retaining water and weighing yourself at different times each day are just a few examples of how your weight can fluctuate a great deal from day to day.

Are Body Weights Good to Run With?

Running with body weights is an effective method to add fitness benefits to your normal workout routine. The increased workload forces your muscles to work harder. It takes more effort to complete the same exercises, which increases the amount of calories burned in the same time period.

How to Lose Weight at Age 48

Your late forties is a good time to get serious about losing extra weight, as you can protect your body from some of the negative effects of aging by getting in better shape.

Exercises for a 55-Year-Old to Lose Stomach Fat

Since you’ve turned 50, you may have noticed that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to lose weight, particularly around your middle. It’s not your imagination. Because your muscle mass declines with age, the rate at which you burn calories decreases as well.

The Best Workout for Men Over 50

Testosterone levels drop as a man gets older and hits his 50s and beyond. Excess weight is piled on, particularly around the belly and chest. The Mayo Clinic believes excess fat carried around the midriff increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, some cancers and type 2 diabetes.