Foods Eaten by Endomorphs or Body Type A on the 6 Week Body Makeover Diet

The "Six Week Body Makeover" diet by Michael Thurmond claims that eating for your body type will help you keep your energy level higher, raise your metabolism and provide you with better overall health. This diet gives custom eating and workout plans to your specific body type.

How to Slim Down in a Month

Losing weight over a long period of time is easy, but slimming down in a month takes clear purpose and determination. There are several changes you can make to improve your diet and increase your level of activity, but the real key is maintaining these changes consistently until you start to see results.

How to Safely Lose 5 Pounds in One Week

It's tempting to go for fast results when you want to achieve a healthy body weight. But just as gaining weight doesn’t happen overnight, losing is safest -- and most successful -- when it’s a gradual process.

Does the HCG Diet Work for Men?

Originally created in the 1950s, the human chorionic gonadotropin diet is a weight loss program that requires you to limit your caloric intake and take a hormonal HCG supplement.

Can You Lose Fat on the Sides of Your Knees?

Fat knees may keep you in pants or leggings year-round since you don't want to bare your legs in shorts or a mini-skirt. To slim the sides of your knees, you have to embark on a comprehensive weight-loss program. You can't single out one area for weight loss, no matter how much it bothers you.

How to Use the Herbal Life Diet

The Herbal Life Diet is a program designed for weight loss while maximizing nutritional needs, such as protein and fiber intake. The manufacturers of Herbal Life claim their products are natural, low calorie and low fat and can maintain a healthy weight loss when used in conjunction with the dietary guidelines.

The Kemetic Diet

The Kemetic Diet refers to an eating plan adhered to by modern followers of Kemet, an ancient Egyptian set of religious rules that governed every aspect of its followers lives, from their spirituality to medical treatment to the foods they prepared for daily meals.

How Long Does it Take a Person to Lose 50 Pounds?

Losing weight is an obsession in the U.S.: in 2008, 26 percent of women and 16 percent of men claimed to be dieting, according to “The Boston Globe.

How to Slim Down Your Face and Stomach in 7 Weeks

A seven-week lifestyle makeover can help you feel energized and healthy, but it may or may not be enough time to slim down your face and stomach significantly. You can, however, lose enough weight during this time frame to make a noticeable difference.

How to Lose Stomach Fat for Male Teens

Your grandpa or dad may have a large belly, but that doesn't mean you should develop one as a teen. Belly fat, even in your youth, raises your risk of developing chronic health conditions that are normally only seen in people much later in life -- including type-2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Which Foods Are on the 7th Day Adventist Diet?

According to the official Seventh Day Adventist Dietetic Association website, SDAs have been vegetarians for over a century. No meats are allowed in their diets, including beef, chicken, fish and wild game.

Can I Lose Weight Drinking Only Chicken Broth?

Celebrity blogs reported that Nicole Richie rapidly shed her unwanted pounds by going on a chicken broth fast. While it is possible to lose weight by only drinking chicken broth, it is not a well-balanced, healthy diet, and you would be better served considering an alternative.