How Fast Can I Lose Weight Just by Cutting Calories?

Cutting calories is a reliable way to lose weight, with or without exercise. However, it can be difficult to stick to a low-calorie diet for an extended period of time, which is why many people choose to burn additional calories through exercise.

How Much Exercise Is Needed to Burn 140 Calories?

You can burn 140 calories in less than 15 minutes using a high-intensity exercise; it takes somewhat longer using less-intense workouts. Depending on the type of exercise you choose, how hard you do it and your body size, you can burn your calories with or without special equipment.

The Best Trampoline Exercises

Trampoline exercise, also called rebounding, is almost 70 percent more effective in fitness training than jogging on a track for the same amount of time according to a 2006 NASA research report published in the journal "Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine."

Calories Burned in a Vibration Workout

A whole-body vibration workout requires you to stand on a platform that shakes your entire body, firing muscle activity needed to keep your balance. When doing this workout, you burn more calories than when standing still.

Arizona Raspberry Ice Tea Nutritional Facts

Arizona's Raspberry Iced Tea is made from black tea and 100 percent raspberry juice. The beverage is commonly sold in different sizes, including 16- or 20-ounce bottles; various can sizes; and a 128-ounce (1-gallon) size. The recommended serving size, however, is 8 ounces.

How Does Topamax Help Weight Loss?

Topamax is an antiseizure drug from Ortho-McNeil with many off-label uses. One off-label use is as a weight-loss drug. Many Topamax users have experienced quick success when taking Topamax for weight loss.

What Are the Benefits of the Master Cleanse Diet?

The Master Cleanse is a diet that acts as a formal body detox and colon cleanser as well. The diet involves drinking a lemonade mixture made of organic lemon or lime juice, Grade B or Grade C maple syrup, and filtered water. Additionally, a salt water flush and laxative tea are taken to encourage bowel movements.

How to Lose Breast Fat Fast

Weight loss seems like an easy alternative to breast reduction surgery. After all, breasts are made up largely of fatty tissue, so when you lose fat, it seems logical that you'll lose a proportion of your breasts.

Herbal Appetite Stimulants

Whether you have a loss of appetite due to anorexia or as a side effect of certain medications or medical conditions, some herbs might act as appetite stimulants. Herbs like gentian, blessed thistle and others could help to improve your appetite and promote healthy digestion at the same time.

How to Calculate a Fair Weight Loss Competition

Setting up and participating in a weight loss challenge can help keep you motivated for the long-haul, but you want to make sure that the contest provides a fair experience for everyone.

How to Diminish a Beer Gut Fast

You might be embarrassed about your beer gut, but fat around the midsection is more than a matter of vanity. Excess fat in the belly can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer and metabolic syndrome.

How to Lose Weight When Depressed

People who are overweight are more likely to become depressed, according to research reported in Archives of General Psychiatry. Likewise, depressed people are at greater risk to gain weight. Many who are depressed become inactive and immobile.