How Fast Can Crunches Help You Lose Weight?
Crunches strengthen your abs, but don't sizzle fat. It'll take a very long time to lose weight with crunches alone — if you lose any weight at all.
Percentage of Carbohydrates, Fats and Protein in a 2000-Calorie Meal Plan
If you look at the FDA-approved Nutritional Facts label on any food item, you will see the quantities of nutrients listed as well as the percentage of their recommended daily value. The standard nutrition label is based on a standard, 2000-calorie-per-day meal plan.
The Palumbo Keto Diet
Developed for use by bodybuilders, the ketogenic diet is an effective method of losing fat rapidly while preserving muscle mass. One variation of this diet is the Palumbo Keto Diet, which follows a very rigid diet plan at specific intervals.
Fuze Slenderize Nutrition
Fuze Slenderize is a low calorie and low sugar beverage. According to the product website,, the beverage contains energy and metabolism boosting ingredients to help slenderize your body. There are no studies indicating that Fuze Slenderize will help you lose weight.
Sudden Weight Loss in Toddlers
During the toddler years, it is normal for your child to gain between three to five pounds a year. Babycenter states that proper nutrition is essential for mental and physical development.
I Want to Get in Shape But Not Lose Weight
Exercising isn’t always about losing weight. If getting in shape without losing weight is the goal, it’s important to know which rules of exercise and dieting you should follow.
How to Quickly Reduce Your Gut
Gut fat is more serious than fat at any other location on your body. It is this fat that can lead to deep visceral adiposity, which increases your disease risk, notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Relative Vs. Absolute Exercise Intensity
Exercise intensity is an important part of your exercise program. Working at the right intensity can mean the difference between weight and health improvements or wasted efforts. You can judge your intensity in respect to your own fitness level or as a generalization.
How to Get Rid of a Bulging Stomach
A heavy meal, fluid retention, constipation, premenstrual syndrome and excess body fat are common causes of a bulging stomach. Symptoms associated with abdominal distension include belching, nausea, gas, fatigue and limited mobility. Stomach distention may also indicate a more serious medical condition.
The 14-Day Egg Diet
Margaret Thatcher, Britain's former Prime Minster, used a version of the 14-day egg diet to lose weight before the 1979 election, according to the UK's "The Telegraph" newspaper. The origin of this diet is quite the mystery, but with the help of the Internet, it has morphed into multiple versions.
Is Slim-Fast Safe for Kids?
Slim-Fast weight-loss products are a popular way to lose weight, but kids who use them could be putting themselves at risk. While occasional use of the shakes and bars created by Slim-Fast might not be a problem, extended or frequent consumption might lead to health problems or teach kids unhealthy styles of eating.
Menu for the 4 Day Diet by Dr. Ian Smith
The 4 Day Diet is actually not a diet at all, according to its creator Dr. Ian Smith. According to Smith, the average weight loss is 10 to 12 lbs per month on the diet. Most experts agree losing about 2 lbs per week are steady and healthy weight loss goals.