How to Get a Smaller Waist Fast for Teens

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it's unhealthy to lose more than 1 to 2 pounds per week for both teenagers and adults. In teenagers, rapid weight loss can be attributed to stunted growth and poor development.

How to Cut Out Carbs to Lose Body Fat

The best way to lose fat is through a combination of dietary changes and exercise. You need to cut 500 to 1,000 calories per day to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. Limiting your carbs may make it easier for you to cut calories and lose weight, but you shouldn't eliminate them all.

Does the Ab Flex Belt Help You to Lose Weight?

The Ab Flex Belt website features recommendations from television stars, professional athletes and Hollywood trainers. Moreover, the manufacturer of the Flex Belt claims the U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared the device for toning and strengthening the stomach muscles.

Espresso & Weight Loss

Drinking espresso may help you to lose weight by increasing your energy level and temporarily reducing your hunger. These effects come from the caffeine content of espresso, a strong black coffee made by forcing stream through ground coffee beans.

What are Medical Reasons for Loss of Appetite in the Elderly?

When an elderly relative does not want to eat, it can be emotionally distressing. No cause is identified in approximately 26 percent of cases, according to Evaluating and Treating Unintentional Weight Loss in the Elderly, published in 2002 in “American Family Physician.

List of Low-Carb Beers

Bread may be out on your low-carb diet, but what about beer? You may have heard that alcohol stops your body from burning fat. While this may be true, it's very temporary, and as long as you're only having an occasional beer, it shouldn't affect your weight loss.

Niacin & Weight Loss

Although getting plenty of niacin, a form of vitamin B-3, in your diet helps keep energy levels high, niacin doesn't likely relate directly to weight loss.

Harmful Effects of Fat Burners

Fat-burning supplements are readily available over-the-counter and boast claims that you can lose weight without changing your diet or physical activity level.

8 Foods That Trim Your Waistline

Maintaining a trim waistline is all about your diet. By sticking to the right nutritional plan, you will keep your metabolism high and burn body fat. Remember that what you eat is just as important as how much you eat. Choosing the right foods will help you take weight off your midsection, and keep it off.

How to Drink Jell-O in Water for Weight Loss

You may have heard of various methods to stave off hunger as you attempt to lose weight. One technique you can try is Jell-O with water. The Jell-O will fill you up as a way to keep you from overeating.

Is It Safe to Take Creatine if You're Over 40?

Creatine is a nitrogen-containing amine synthesized from the amino acids, arginine, glycine and methionine. Taking creatine supplements may increase athletic performance in high-intensity, anaerobic activities, according to "Anabolic Primer."

Primatene for Weight Loss

Primatene is an over-the-counter medication used to treat asthma. Ephedrine, one of the main ingredients in Primatene, is sometimes used to boost weight loss. While ephedrine has potential as a weight loss aid, it can also cause serious side effects like high blood pressure and seizure.