How Many Calories are in a Diet Pepsi?

Diet Pepsi is the sugar-free alternative to the popular soft drink, Pepsi. Due to the use of the low-calorie sweetener aspartame, Diet Pepsi does not contain the high amount of sugar commonly found in other soft drinks.

Can I Eat Peanut Butter on the Atkins Diet?

Peanut butter provides a significant amount of protein and a number of essential nutrients, but it also contains carbs, so its use is limited in the Atkins diet.

Best Exercise for Morbidly Obese People to Lose Weight

Obesity is a serious health condition that can lead to diabetes, heart disease and other medical complications. The Highland Hospital Bariatric Surgery Center defines morbid obesity as having a body mass index of over 40 or being over 100 pounds overweight.

Sugar Busters Food Lists

Sugar Busters is a low- to no-sugar lifestyle choice. The creators of this plan work from the perspective that sugar is the root cause of weight loss difficulties.

A Comparison of Stethoscopes

To the casual observer, the purchase of a stethoscope may seem no different from buying a pair of practical work shoes. Any pair will do, as long as they're comfortable. But a stethoscope is so much more.

How to Lose Weight With a Large Lunch & No Dinner

Intermittent fasting is an effective weight-loss tool used by many people. It is an excellent weight-loss tool for people who have trouble with portion control or who battle self-discipline.

Low-Carb Diet for Anemics

The low-carb diet wasn't designed specifically for people with anemia. But the meat-heavy plan may be a good way to boost iron levels for those diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia who also want to lose weight.

A Two-Week Fruit Diet

Fruits are nutritious foods that contain fiber, as well as essential nutrients such as vitamin C, folate and potassium. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that adults eat 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit per day.

What Happens If You Don't Drink Enough Water While Taking Creatine?

Creatine is a compound that is naturally produced by your body and is synthesized from the three amino acids, L-arginine, L-glycine, and L-methionine in your pancreas and stored primarily in your skeletal muscles.

How to Tell If You Are Really Losing Weight or Just Water Weight

If you’ve recently started a new diet, you may be wondering if the cause of your weight loss is the result of fatty tissue or fluids. Stepping onto the scale doesn’t always tell the whole story, especially when you sporadically track your weight.

Is It Safe to Walk After Eating a Meal?

A casual walk after a meal isn’t harmful, but whether you should do a walking fitness routine after eating is a bit more complex. In general, nutrition before a workout is essential for several reasons, including providing much-needed energy.

Weight Loss and Mozzarella Cheese

Mozzarella cheese, a stretchy cheese commonly used for pizza and Italian dishes, is the most popular cheese in America, according to information from the USDA’s Economic Research Service from 2005.