Ideas for Biggest Loser in the Workplace

The TV show "The Biggest Loser" serves as a model and inspiration for weight-loss competitions on the local level. Losing weight at work promotes a healthier lifestyle. Many companies offer wellness programs and other incentives to keep their employees healthier, so a weight-loss competition fits into that initiative.

Night Sweats With Weight Loss

Unexpected weight loss may be a cause for concern. However, when accompanied with other symptoms, the need for the correct diagnosis is essential. Weight loss may be normal depending on your diet, exercise or stress level.

Matcha Tea for Weight Loss

One of the darlings of the tea world, matcha is a stone-ground green tea and a traditional staple in Japan. Now it's making a splash in the United States, with coffee shops and juice bars around the nation not only carrying it, but singing its praises.

Top Diet Pills From GNC

Although sales for diet pills are down, they're still a major money maker for stores like GNC. The retailer that sells health and nutrition-related products has a list of best-selling items, including the top diet pills.

Tips to Lose Weight Fast With a Coffee Diet

Coffee helps a lot of people get going in the morning, and while it gives your metabolism a bit of a boost -- although temporarily -- simply drinking it cannot help you lose weight fast. But that doesn't mean coffee can't make a healthy addition to your weight-loss diet.

Examples of an 1,800-Calorie Diet

According to the US Department of Agriculture, an 1800 calorie diet is appropriate for most sedentary women who desire to maintain their weight, for active women who desire to lose weight, and for most men who desire to lose weight. An 1800 calorie diet is generally broken down into three meals and two snacks each day.

Maker's Diet Food List

“The Maker's Diet” is the title of a book written by Jordan Rubin. In this book, the author recounts the story of how he became ill in college and regained his health following a diet consistent with biblical Old Testament principles.

What Kind of Gelatins Are Okay for a Clear Liquid Diet?

Follow a clear liquid diet as directed by your physician. Stay on the diet no longer than recommended as it will not provide adequate nutrition. It will, however, help you prepare for or recover from certain medical tests and procedures. A clear liquid diet includes no solid foods of any kind.

How to Lose Belly Fat at Home

Carrying excess weight around your waistline is more than an aesthetic issue. Subcutaneous fat, or the fat you see around your belly, covers more dangerous visceral fat, which surrounds your organs.

How to Lose Weight When Powerlifting

Losing body fat when powerlifting presents the challenge of dieting without strength loss. Do not modify your lifting program -- the same program that built your strength will allow you to keep your strength.

Are Eggs Bad to Eat When Losing Weight?

When starting a weight loss diet, eggs are one of the first foods that you may consider omitting, due to their higher calorie and fat content -- and the commonly held belief that they are detrimental to your cholesterol levels and health.

Quick Way to Lose 2 Pounds

Whether trying to drop a few pounds to fit into an old pair of jeans or just in time for your high school reunion, there are several methods to help you achieve your weight-loss goals. Medical professionals recommend that you lose no more than 2 lbs. per week to be healthy and keep the weight off.