How Many Calories to Eat to Lose 2 Lbs a Day
Losing 2 pounds a day can a difficult job. In order to lose weight properly, you need to both reduce your daily calories and exercise in order to burn calories.
The Shake Diet Plan
The shake diet plan is a meal replacement system in which you substitute a protein shake for one or two meals per day in order to lose weight. A variety of commercial products are available.
Does Cranberry Juice Make You Lose Weight?
Weight loss isn't always easy. You need to eat fewer calories than your body burns to lose those excess pounds. But the mere idea of cutting back on food is often thought to lead to an almost constant state of hunger. If you've ever skipped a meal, you're no doubt familiar with that gnawing sensation.
How Much Weight Can I Expect To Lose After My Labor?
Many women look down with horror when they step on the scales after giving birth. During pregnancy, you will gain up to 40 lbs., depending on your pre-pregnancy weight.
Low-Carb Diet Plan for Men
If you can eat your meat without potatoes, the low-carb diet may be the diet to help you drop those unwanted pounds. Men who followed a low-carb diet lost more weight than those following a low-fat diet in a 2008 clinical study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
How to Make Your Own Jenny Craig Diet
The Jenny Craig weight loss program is a successful weight loss method which has been around for years. Jenny Craig is not only a diet with pre-packaged foods, it has two very important other components which are nutritional support and counseling and exercise (see reference 1).
Gluten Free Vs. Carb Free for Weight Loss
Your food choices have a lot to do with how much energy you have and how easy it is for you to lose weight. Some popular dieting choices are gluten free and carb free, both of which require significant dietary changes.
High-Dose Vitamin C & Weight Loss
Getting a daily dose of vitamin C not only helps your body function properly, but it could aid in effective weight loss. In fact, people who are deficient in vitamin C may have a harder time losing fat mass, according to a review published in 2005 in the “Journal of the American College of Nutrition.
Citalopram & Weight Loss
Citalopram hydrobromide (Celexa), an antidepressant, can help people ** _Weight gain, a known side-effect of antidpressants, may be_ ** in citalopram, according to ___
How Long Should You Bike for the Best Weight Loss Benefit?
Losing just 5 to 10 percent of your body weight can reduce your risk of chronic disease when you are overweight or obese. If you still need another reason to exercise, think about how riding a bike used to make you feel when you were a kid. Bike riding is a fun and easy way to burn extra calories and lose some weight.
Can Losing Weight Help My Thyroid?
Your thyroid is an organ that is located in your neck, just below your voice box. It is important because it regulates several things in your body -- including your metabolism. If your thyroid is malfunctioning or not producing enough thyroid hormone, it can become under-active.
How to Lose Patch Weight
Weight gain is listed as one of the common side effects of using the birth control patch. For some women, this gain might be fat. For most women, weight gain is a temporary water retention or an increase in the size of fat cells triggered by the estrogen in birth control, according to the Mayo Clinic.