How to Use Lean Cuisine & Weight Watchers Pre-Packaged Foods to Lose Weight

Losing weight may seem like a simple equation -- burn more calories than you eat, and your body will use stored fat for energy. But for millions of overweight Americans, that may seem easier said than done.

The Best Way for Men Over 40 to Lose Weight

Losing weight at any age requires a combination of regular training and dietary adjustments. To start shedding the extra pounds, implement a training schedule that combines different styles of exercise, and focus on eating natural foods and drinking plenty of water.

Does Swimming Burn Fat?

Swimming is a cardiovascular activity that has the potential to help you shed fat – especially if you do it regularly. However, it doesn’t work well for everyone, and may be less effective than other types of aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking or running.

How Much Weight Can You Lose Boxing?

Whether you lose weight boxing depends on your diet and the intensity of your workouts. Eat a balanced, low-calorie diet that provides you sufficient energy for your training. Focus on developing fast footwork, which will make you an effective competitor and increase the number of calories you burn.

Are Calories Burned While Crying?

Crying is a physical reaction to emotional stimulus. The scientific name for crying is lacrimation. During crying, elevated heart rates have been observed. Tears are released through the tear ducts, coating the eyes and overflowing from them.

How to Find a Free Alternative to the Weight Watchers Momentum Program

The Weight Watcher’s Momentum program helps you lose weight by teaching you how to make healthy food choices. The program assigns a point value to the foods you consume. You lose weight by staying within your daily allotted amount of points and staying within your total to reach your goal weight.

Beginner Exercises for Obese People

Obesity significantly increases your risk of serious health issues, including heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. With regular exercise, you can increase the number of calories burned and contribute to your fat loss efforts.

How to Shrink Fat Deposits

Fatty deposits, also called xanthomas, are spots in which cholesterol has built up under your skin. Though the high blood cholesterol levels that have led to the development of the fatty deposits put you at risk for health problems, including heart disease, the deposits themselves are harmless.

The Best Ways to Lose Weight for Prom

Prom is a special occasion that you will remember for the rest of your life. So, naturally, you want to look your best for the big night. If this includes losing weight before prom, there are a few simple tips that can help you shed pounds and get toned.

Best Bland Ulcer Diets

There are different types of ulcers, and each one has a different cause.

Does HCG Mess With Emotions?

HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. This hormone is used to treat infertility in both sexes, and it is also injected or taken orally in lozenge-form by those following the HCG diet as part of their weight-loss regimen.

Does Being a Vegan Make You Skinny?

Vegans are vegetarians who do not eat any animal products, including eggs, dairy or honey. If you’re not familiar with the vegan diet, you may have the mistaken impression that vegans eat only salad or that becoming a vegan is a guaranteed ticket to fast weight loss.