How Fast Does Green Tea Work to Lose Weight?

Green tea's reputation as a health food is well-deserved -- it's hydrating, low in calories and packed with antioxidants. Because it's minimally processed, it's higher in beneficial catechins than oolong or black teas, with about 240 to 320 milligrams per cup of tea.

Cipralex & Weight Loss

Unlike many antidepressant medications, Cipralex does not cause weight gain. As a matter of fact, Cipralex, like other antidepressants that work by inhibiting the movement of the neurotransmitter serotonin into cells, often causes weight loss.

Tips for a 15 Year Old to Lose Weight

Obesity in teenagers is a dangerous situation. Obesity can lead to heart disease, osteoarthritis, diabetes and an increased risk of developing cancer. Unfortunately, there is no set way in which a 15 year old can lose weight. Like individuals of all ages, losing weight at 15 can be challenging.

Top 10 Meal Replacements for Diets

Meal replacement bars and drinks can provide a convenient solution for dieters on the go. Not all meal replacement products are created equal, however. If you are trying to lose weight, choosing the right one can help you achieve your goal, while choosing the wrong one could easily sabotage all your hard work.

Will Estrogen Help My Big Belly?

Women are particularly vulnerable to increased fat in their older years due to the effects of menopause. Menopause actually redistributes your weight, moving it from your arms, legs and hips to your abdomen. You might notice you’re a little larger at your midsection even if you haven’t gained any weight.

Risks of Losing Too Much Weight Too Quickly

If you're overweight, you may feel eager to shed those excess pounds as quickly as possible. While rapid weight loss sounds good, there are reasons to avoid losing too much too quickly. The consensus is that slow and steady wins the race. Losing 1 to 2 pounds per week is a common recommendation.

IUD Removal & Weight Loss

IUD's, or intrauterine devices, are a form of contraception available with or without hormone-releasing properties. The Mirena, the hormonal IUD, and the ParaGard, the copper IUD, each come with their own side effects and risks.

Can You Lose Weight by Rollerblading?

Rollerblading is a low-impact exercise activity that utilizes inline skates and requires you to use your legs to propel yourself forward. There are many health benefits to consistently rollerblading, such as building cardiovascular fitness and burning calories.

Weight Loss Results From Indoor Cycling Workouts

Indoor cycling is just one of many forms of cardio available if you're trying to lose weight. The great benefit is the massive calorie burn that you can achieve in just a one-hour class period. This dynamic and entertaining type of workout can provide incredible weight loss results for its loyal enthusiasts.

Does Rollerblading Help Lose Inner Thigh Fat?

If you want to lose inner thigh fat, you need more than thigh-toning exercises. That’s because spot training a specific area of the body isn’t possible. You can, however, lose inner thigh fat with intense cardio activity, such as rollerblading. Rollerblading doesn’t just tone your thighs; it burns fat, too.

Is Weight Watchers Good for 12 Year Olds?

Between the childhood obesity epidemic and the pressure that many preteens feel to be thin, it's no surprise that many 12-year-olds are interested in dieting.

Is Hummus Bad for Weight Loss?

Hummus graces the table at just about every potluck gathering. The creamy blend of chick peas, sesame paste, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and seasonings pleases crowds when served alongside veggies, pita chips or as a sandwich topping.