Do These 8 Things Every Night to Lose More Weight

While nighttime eating isn't bad in and of itself, it's usually more likely to involve unhealthy food selections or larger-than-recommended portions. But little things you choose to do (or not do) can help you stay on track.

How Lacey S. Lost 140 Pounds and Changed Her Outlook on Life

Learn how Lacey S. lost 140 pounds and 14 pant sizes by incorporating a healthy diet and exercise into her life.

How Mindy S. Lost 41 Pounds for Her Daughter

Learn Mindy S.'s secret to success and what inspired her to lose 41 pounds and go from a size 16 to a size 8!

How Many Calories are in a Can of Kidney Beans?

Learn more about the nutritional information in a can of kidney beans - a high protein bean that is also a source of carbohydrates.

10 Ways to Stay Motivated to Lose Weight

Is working out feeling more like work than fun? Then read on for 10 ways to stay motivated during your weight loss journey.

How Turning 50 Helped Motivate Marilyn S. to Lose 80 Pounds

Read Marilyn's story to find out how she lost 80 pounds in time for her daughter's wedding and her 50th birthday.

12 Kardashian Wellness Tips You Can Actually Afford

Want to look like a Kardashian? Here are 12 of the sisters' most affordable diet, fitness and beauty tips — as well as some expert advice on which ones to follow and which ones to skip.

Does Cardio Give You Energy?

Cardio definitely boosts your energy, both in the long and short term — the whys and hows of increased energy production will get your heart pumping.

The 10 Worst Diets of 2018, According to U.S. News and World Report

To put our latest diet crazes to the test, the U.S. News and World Report evaluated 40 diets with the help of a panel of health experts. Is your favorite diet among the 10 worst?

How to Convince Your Body That It Needs Less Food

If you’re looking to get fit but are finding your hunger out-weighs your resolve, here are ten genius ways to eat fewer calories and trick your body into feeling satisfied.

How to Lose One Stone in Four Weeks With a Diet Plan

Eating a low-calorie diet made up of whole foods and exercising can help you get close to your goal of losing 1 stone in a month.

How Can I Lose Weight in Two Months by Exercise?

In effort to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume. Check out these five forms of fitness that will help you reach your weight-loss goals.