What Can I Take to Reduce Cortisol in My Body to Help Lose Weight?
If you're trying to lose weight, finding ways to reduce your body's cortisol level may help you drop excess pounds.
How to Shrink Belly Fat Fast
You can't target your belly alone for weight loss, but effective lifestyle changes can help you get rid of fat all over, including your midsection.
How to Trim Fat From Stomach for Men
Excess belly fat increases your risk of medical conditions, such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and elevated triglycerides. A reduced-calorie diet and effective exercise can slim your stomach and improve your quality of life.
How to Get Rid of Belly Fat for Men
Making smarter food choices, adding cardio to your exercise routine and working out to build muscle all over, not just your stomach, is what you need to do trim down your spare tire.
How to Lose Body Fat Naturally
You don't need supplements and gimmicky diet plans to help you lose body fat. To achieve a better ratio of lean mass to fat, eat moderate portions of whole, unprocessed foods and move more to train your heart and muscles.
I'm Pear Shaped & Can't Lose Lower Body Weight
Stubborn lower body fat is frustrating but not impossible. With the right diet and exercise routine you can bust the bulge.
Calories Burned Standing Vs. Sitting
The simple act of standing instead of sitting may help you burn 20 to 50 more calories per hour, depending on your size.
Which Is the Best Low-Carb Diet: High-Fat or High-Protein?
Low-carb diets have proven to be good for weight loss. But, when limiting carbs, you may wonder if it's better to eat more protein or fat to help you reach your goals. As it turns out, it all depends on you and your taste buds -- both low-carb, high-fat and low-carb, high-protein diets can help you lose weight.
The Two Best Exercises You're Not Doing
It’s been said that human beings are creatures of habit, always following a predictable ebb and flow in life. Whether it’s watching the same television shows on a weekly basis, eating at the same restaurants or putting the left sock on before the right, we generally don't like to stray too far from business as usual.
Why Am I Losing Inches, Not Pounds, With Diet and Exercise?
If you're staying on track with your diet and exercise program, you're most likely losing fat but gaining muscle.
Does Working Out with Plastic Wrap on Your Stomach Help You Lose Belly Fat?
Wrapping your stomach in plastic wrap while exercising may cause you to lose a tiny amount of water weight temporarily, but it will have no effect on belly fat.
An Easy Way to Get Thin Arms
If you have plump biceps or extra fat at the back of your arms, only a healthy diet and regular exercise will help you reach your goal of thin arms.