Brain Fog & Your Metabolism
If you find yourself feeling groggy, confused or feel like you have a lack of mental clarity, you could be suffering from brain fog. Brain fog may also be related to your metabolism.
What Body Fat Percentage is Considered Obese?
Obesity is becoming more prevalent in the United States. According to the National Institute of Diabetes Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 66 percent of Americans are either overweight or obese. These terms carry different stipulations, but both are considered unhealthy.
What Does a BMI of 26 Mean?
Your weight is a good indicator of your health. If you maintain a healthy weight throughout most of your life, you may be able to reduce your risk of a chronic illness such as heart disease. Body mass index, or BMI, is a tool that helps determine health risk based on a calculation using your height and weight.
How to Measure Subcutaneous Fat
Having enough subcutaneous fat to "pinch an inch" might not have the health risks of deep-abdominal visceral fat, but it can still get in the way of achieving a very lean and toned physique.
What Foods Should I Not Eat After Liposuction?
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes fat from selected body areas. It is commonly performed on the abdomen, thighs, arms, buttocks and hips. Although liposuction is not a weight-loss solution, it is an option to remove centralized fat that is unresponsive to diet and exercise.
5 Things You Need to Know About Acetylcholine
Acetylcholine is an excitatory neurotransmitter that conducts electrical impulses through a series of actions, making it possible for nerve cells to communicate with muscle cells and generate muscle contractions.
Healthy Weight & Height for Bodybuilding
Bodybuilders cannot use normal height-to-weight ratio charts because they are designed for people with less muscle mass.
What Is a Healthy Weight for a 25-Year-Old Woman?
As a 25-year-old woman, your concerns with weight may be more about aesthetics than your health. But you might be surprised to learn that a healthy weight is not one that requires a starvation diet. A couple of methods are available that you can use to determine your healthy weight, based on your height.
What Happens When Your Body Fat Drops Low?
Although it's more common in the United States to have too much body fat than too little, make sure you don't go too far in your weight-loss efforts. If your body fat drops too low, it can have health consequences, just as when your body fat is too high.
BMI With Frame Size
Body mass index is the ratio of your weight in kilograms divided by your height in meters squared. BMI provides an estimation of your body fat level, but is in no way diagnostic. It helps healthcare providers evaluate whether you may be at risk of chronic disease due to carrying excess fat.
Is There an Ideal Weight for an 18-Year-Old?
Teenagers develop at different rates and can have widely differing heights by the age of 18, so you won't find an ideal weight for every 18-year-old. It's possible, however, to determine a range of healthy weights for those at this age based on height and gender.
Benefits Of Powerlifting
Powerlifting, a strength sport where you compete in the squat, bench press and deadlift, allows you to build muscle and burn fat. Powerlifting, like other forms of heavy resistance training, strengthens your skeleton and reduces your risk of injury in other sports and activities.