Is There a Normal Weight for a 6'1" Person
People of the same height can post different weights on the scale and still be perfectly healthy. Men tend to weigh more than women of the same height because they naturally have a greater amount of muscle mass, which weighs more per square inch than fat tissue.
How Does Fat Leave Your Body When You Lose Weight?
Exercise and diet can help you lose weight by creating a calorie deficit. Your body will begin to break down stored fat through a series of complicated metabolic pathways.
Bikes for Obese People
Obese people often look to bicycling as a way to lose weight. Bicycling will help shed excess pounds, but only if combined with healthy eating and other weight-loss techniques.
Can Binges Increase Your Metabolism?
It'd be nice if that accidental overindulgence would find a way to burn itself off, but unfortunately, that's just not the case.
What to Eat if You Want 7 Percent Body Fat
If you are an elite athlete or just want to achieve a very low percentage of body fat, there are no magic foods, but there are ways of eating that can help you reach your goals. However, 7 percent body fat is a very low amount and may not be healthy for everyone.
What Does a 35.1 BMI Mean?
A body mass index of 35.1 falls into an unhealthy range. A majority percent of the American population have a BMI that is in the overweight or obese weight ranges, according to the Weight-control Information Network.
How to Know Your Body Frame
Your body frame or bone structure can impact your ideal weight and your total body mass index, as well as your clothing size. Body frame sizes for both men and women are typically categorized as small, medium or large. Simple measurements can help you determine whether you are large or small boned.
Normal Ranges for BMI
Your doctor may use your body mass index, or BMI, as a way to generally assess your weight as well as your risk of weight-related health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, type-2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.
How to Calculate BMR Manually
Your basal metabolic rate, also known as your BMR, is your minimum calorie expenditure rate, the rate at which you must expend calories in order to stay alive. Your BMR assumes you’re in the post-absorptive phase of digestion, meaning you aren’t actively digesting food.
The Importance of Protein for Obese People
Protein, along with carbohydrates and fat, is a major macronutrient that helps your body function optimally. You need it to build strong tissues, support immunity and boost your metabolism.
Normal Body PH Range
The blood pH is a measure of the acidity of the blood. It stands for "power of hydrogen" and represents the concentration of hydrogen ions, which make the blood acidic. Acidic or alkaline blood can interfere with processes in the body and be both a result of disease and a cause of further problems.
Can You Tighten Sagging Breasts with Exercise?
Breasts change in size and shape over the course of your lifetime. They swell with your body during pregnancy and they diminish with excess body fat when you lose weight.