What Food Makes Your Hips Big?
The size and proportion of your hips is largely a matter of genetics and something that you can't change. However, weight gain can also affect hip size, and some people are more likely to gain fat around their hips, while others gain it in their midsection.
The Ideal Weight at 5'1"
The ideal weight was conceived by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in 1943. Its purpose was to identify groups with the lowest mortality rates. Since 1943, other height and weight charts have evolved, using a variety of standards to calculate your ideal weight.
How to Detox Your System's Metabolism
Trendy detox diets are meant to help your body rid itself of harmful substances. Your metabolism is your calorie-burning system. While certain diets may affect your body's metabolic rate, you cannot "detox" your metabolism; however, low-calorie detox diets may slow it down.
The Average Height of a Teenage Girl
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated the average height of American teenagers via physical examinations 5 times since the 1960s. CDC estimates that the average teenage girl in 2002 -- the year of the most recent physical exams -- is about 0.3 inches taller than she was in the 1960s.
At What Age Does Your Metabolism Slow Down?
According to the National Institutes of Health, metabolism is the name for the process your body uses to convert the food you eat into energy. The energy your body does not use is stored as fat. Many people believe that this process slows as you age, causing weight gain.
The Normal Weight for a Five Foot Seven Inch Tall Woman
The body mass index, or BMI, tables use the word "normal" to categorize the weight status of people who weigh between the underweight and overweight standards. Your height and weight determine your BMI. The weight-for-height tables use "desirable"
BMI Vs. Body Fat Percentage
There are two ways to measure your health and fitness: body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage. Though many people talk about them interchangeably, BMI and body fat percentage should be used for different stages in your fitness journey.
What Is Monolaurin?
Monolaurin is a mono-ester that is formed from the combination of glycerol and lauric acid. It is mainly used as microbicide, which is a substance that reduces the infection ability of microbes (or microorganisms) such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. Monolaurin is also called glyceryl laurate or glycerol monolaurate.
Perfect Height & Weight for Athletes
As an athlete, you want to get in the best shape possible, but understanding exactly what that means can be a challenge. Weight tables drawn up for the general population do not necessarily reflect appropriate height-to-weight ratios for athletes.
How Many Calories Does It Take to Maintain 170 Pounds?
The number of calories it takes to maintain your body weight depends on a variety of different factors, including age, gender, body composition and activity level. You can use a general formula to get an estimate, and then modify your calorie consumption based on whether your weight changes or stays the same.
How to Burn Butt Fat Fast
While you can change your body composition through diet and exercise, it's not possible to manipulate the places to which your body tends to store excess fat. For many people, the derriere is the destination of unwanted fat.
Body Mass Index & Blood Pressure
Your blood pressure is a good indication of the health of your cardiovascular system. When your blood pressure is high, your heart is working under stressful conditions. A high blood pressure, also called hypertension, is categorized as such when you have chronic readings of 140/90 mmHg or higher.