What Firmness of Mattress Is Best for a Toddler?
Making the shift from a crib to a bed is a big transition for any toddler and her parents. Once deciding your toddler is ready for this change, there are a few different mattress options to consider. There is no one mattress firmness that is best for a toddler.
Home Remedy for Styes on Toddlers
Waking up with an eye crusty with pus is unpleasant for both your toddler and you. Styes are common in children and result from a bacterial infection. In most cases, the infection causing the pus resolves without treatment, although a simple remedy can help it clear faster. Styes rarely require medical attention.
Food for Toddlers Who Have Diarrhea
Virtually all toddlers experience bouts of diarrhea, which can be caused by infections, food intolerance, parasites, antibiotics and even by drinking too much juice. Most cases of diarrhea are mild and can be treated in just a few days with home care.
Toddler Toenail Problems
Preventive measures can reduce your toddler’s risk of toenail problems. If your toddler regularly has toenail problems or has symptoms that are not disappearing regardless of your best effort, make an appointment with a podiatrist so relief can occur as soon as possible.
A Toddler With a Rash on the Chest & Back
There are several causes of a rash on the chest and back of a toddler. These rashes are usually benign, but can cause discomfort to the baby and consternation to the parents.
Is a Toddler Bed or Twin Bed Better for a 2-Year-Old?
Deciding to move a toddler from her crib to a big-kid bed is an exciting transition for both parents and child. Choosing between a toddler bed and a twin bed depends on a number of factors and is generally more of a time-consuming decision for first-time parents.
Shortness of Breath in Toddlers
There are a few symptoms that are frightening for parents to see their toddler experiencing. Shortness of breath, medically referred to as dyspnea, is best described as a sensation of feeling suffocated or like the chest is tightening. This symptom may occur only once, or it may occur often.
What Ages Are Toddler Beds Designed For?
When your little one shows signs of growing out of his crib, you may look for another bed alternative that will provide him with a comfortable and safe sleep.
What Should a Toddler Wear to Bed When It's Hot?
It can be hard to know exactly how to dress your little one for bed in hot weather. If you dress her too warmly, she might wake up sweating during the night. If you dress her too lightly, she might kick off her covers and feel chilly. Either way, you want to make sure your little one gets a good night's sleep.
Does a Toddler Need Milk Before Bed?
Your toddler may want milk right before bed, but that doesn't mean he or she needs it. According to the American Sleep Association, or ASA, you may be encouraging a bad habit if you capitulate to your toddler's whims.
Why Won't My Toddler Sleep Through the Night Anymore?
Although your toddler needs about 10 to 13 hours of sleep each day, it is still common for him to wake up in the middle of the night. These night wakings can be frustrating, especially since many parents think that phase is over once their child learns to sleep through the night.
Food for a Vomiting Toddler
Feeding a vomiting toddler can be difficult, but it is necessary to help him recover. Even if the toddler throws up the majority of the liquids and food that you feed him, he is still reaping some nutrition from those items. According to the book "What to Expect: The Toddler Years,"