How to Treat a Toddler Who Bit His Tongue

Mouth injuries are common for toddlers learning to walk and maintain balance. A fall can drive new teeth into the tongue and form a laceration. First aid is the same for children as it is for adults, but it's more difficult with a crying toddler. The goals are to control bleeding, reduce swelling and prevent infection.

What Can My Toddler Eat When She Is Throwing Up?

Your toddler may contract a gastrointestinal virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea. Most of the time, these viruses pass within a couple of days and can be treated at home. The most important consideration is to keep your toddler well-hydrated by offering clear fluids in small amounts for the duration of the illness.

How to Identify Your Child's Strengths & Weaknesses

Albert Einstein said, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." This observation is never truer than when raising children. Each child has a different set of strengths and weaknesses.

How to Help Toddlers with Stuffy Noses Sleep

As your toddler grows, he is more likely to touch and explore everything. As a result, your child is probably more likely to catch a cold. Toddlers are also more likely to become sick during the fall and winter or if you have school-aged children at home.

How to Slow Down a Hyper 2-Year-Old

Toddlers are naturally curious and energetic, often much to their parent's chagrin. Your 2-year-old's whirlwind personality means you're constantly on the go and chasing after your tiny ball of energy. Still, it's likely your pediatrician won't be alarmed. Hyperactivity disorders aren't typically diagnosed until age 4.

Toddler Development at 21 Months Old

Pediatricians measure a child's growth not only by weight and height but also by skills mastered. These skills often develop at predictable ages and go by the term developmental milestones. Toddlers have a wide range of normal, according to the BabyCenter website.

Can a Toddler Have Too Much Fruit?

You’re probably relieved if your toddler requests fruit for a snack rather than junk food, but if fruit is all she eats, your toddler might not get other nutrients vital to her growth and development. Fruit contains essential vitamins and minerals that keep your child healthy. The U.S.

When Does a Toddler Cut Molars?

Teething in babies varies widely, but most children cut their first teeth between the ages of 4 and 7 months. After the first tooth pokes through, parents play the waiting game to determine when the rest of the pearly whites will make their appearance.

Walking Pneumonia in Toddlers

A Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, more commonly known as "walking pneumonia," is a mild form of pneumonia that can affect people of all ages, including toddlers. The disease is not common in children under 4, unless your toddler is in preschool or daycare programs.

How to Care for Toddlers With Pneumonia

Contact your toddler’s pediatrician immediately if you suspect he has pneumonia. Pneumonia symptoms include fever, cough, chills, rapid breathing, nasal flaring, chest pain, wheezing and nasal congestion. In severe cases, your toddler’s fingernails and lips may turn a bluish gray color.

Signs & Symptoms of Gastroinstestinal Problems in a Toddler

Gastrointestinal problems in toddlers range from short-term illnesses, such as gastroenteritis and food poisoning, to food sensitivities and long-term conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.

What Does Drooling Mean in a Toddler?

Drooling is the unintentional escape of saliva or other substances from the mouth. Drooling can be a messy business for parents with lots of laundry on the horizon. Your child drooled as a baby and continues as a toddler, past the point at which you though he would stop.