How to Discipline an 18-Month-Old

An 18-month-old falls into the toddler age group, so you can expect abundant energy and curiosity from your little one. His curiosity might get him into trouble on occasion, and he may misbehave if he becomes tired or bored.

How to Potty Train a 4-Year-Old Boy

If your four-year-old boy has yet to be potty trained, you may have faced resistance in your first attempts to teach him to use the toilet independently.

How to Turn Crib Into Toddler Bed

Transitioning your child from a crib into a toddler bed is equally exciting and terrifying. On one hand, he's growing up and experiencing new things. On the other hand, you're opening yourself up to nights full of him running out of his crib and never going to sleep.

Teaching a Toddler to Swim

Swimming lessons are now recommended for toddlers age 1 to 3, according to a statement issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2010. Early instruction may help prevent drowning in young children, the second leading cause of death in youth under 19 years of age.

Why Language Development is Important to a Child

Language is an important skill that allows a person to communicate. A child begins to develop language even before she can use words, as seen by a baby who cries to get her needs met. A delay in language skills can cause frustration for a child as well as miscommunication about what she may be trying to convey.

How to Train a Toddler to Put Self Back to Sleep During the Night

A toddler can learn to fall asleep on her own and she can also learn how to soothe herself back to sleep if she wakes up. Since she was born, you responded quickly to her every cry, coo and wail and anticipated her needs.

How to Stop a Toddler From Falling Out of Bed

As a toddler transitions from a crib to a bed, you might have issues with bumps in the night. A little one not unaccustomed to the freedoms of a bigger bed might have trouble learning not to roll out of the bed and onto the floor.

Tips for Growing Toddler Hair

As your little one moves past babyhood and into toddlerhood, her hair might need some extra attention. You may encounter challenges as your child’s hair goes through a stage of uneven wispiness. Stay the course if you’re growing it out, though.

Things That a 20-Month-Old Should Learn

Every toddler develops at his own pace, and there is a wide range of normal when it comes to developmental milestones. There are activities that can promote learning for 20-month-olds and help them develop appropriately, as well as provide bonding opportunities for the whole family.