What Are the Causes of Excessive Urination in Toddlers?
Excessive urination, also referred to as polyuria, is a symptom in which too much urine is secreted, which can result in having to urinate frequently. Several medical conditions can cause excessive urination in toddlers.
Outdoor Games for 4-Years-Olds
Kids of all ages thrive in the outdoors. When summer vacation rolls around, you may find them spending much of their day on the playground or elsewhere outdoors, soaking up the sun and stretching their legs. Get a group of kids together for a play date or park meet-up and try some age-appropriate outdoor games.
How to Handle a 15-Months-Old's Toddler Temper Tantrums
Although many parents fear the “terrible twos,” tantrums often start between 12 to 18 months. Young toddlers start to experiment with their autonomy and their newfound sense of self by attempting to control some aspects of their environment.
Natural Sleep Remedies for Toddlers
It's common for young children to have trouble sleeping at night, particularly if they are being weaned off sleeping infrequently at night and are being pushed to last through an entire night of sleep without waking up. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average American child only gets 11.
Home Treatments for Breathing Problems in Toddlers
Most toddlers experience occasional, mild breathing problems. In most cases, breathing difficulties in toddlers are caused by a viral infection, such as a cold or viral bronchitis. Several home remedies can treat these problems with few side effects or risks.
What are the Best Foods to Feed a Toddler Who Is Underweight?
Feeding a toddler can be challenging. Toddlers are often picky about what they eat, making it difficult for him to get proper nutrition. When a toddler is underweight, or has slower than expected weight gain for his age, parents should watch his beverage intake and assess the type of food that he or she does eat.
How to Deal With a Toddler Tantrum That Includes Vomiting
Temper tantrums are a common part of a toddler's development. Normal tantrums are bad enough, but some children get so out of control they throw up. The sight of a toddler vomiting may worry parents, but it is not an unusual phenomenon and in most cases is not dangerous.
How to Increase a Toddler's Appetite
As the rate of growth slows down and the need for independence starts emerging, many toddlers have a low appetite and become picky eaters. This is a normal developmental stage that most children will grow out of.
Signs of a High IQ in Toddlers
With each new milestone your toddler reaches, you may become more certain that she’s the brightest toddler you’ve ever seen. Parental biases aside, you could be onto something.
How to Get a 14-Month-Old Toddler to Sleep at Night
For some parents, getting a 14-month old to fall asleep and stay asleep is a nightly battle. As toddlers grow, they would rather engage with the world around them than go to bed at night. Toddlers may also begin having fears or separation anxiety that make it difficult to go to sleep.
How to Heal a Toddler's Scraped Nose
A bloodstained, scraped nose on a crying toddler is alarming, but in most cases there is no need to panic. Although they can bleed and sting, scrapes, or abrasions, are rarely serious and involve only the surface layers of the skin.
How to Clean a Toilet Used for Potty Training
You may be nearly done changing dirty diapers, but your days of handling your baby's bodily functions aren't over quite yet. Besides the remaining diapers and the beginner's accidents, you'll also be tasked with cleaning out your baby's training toilet or potty chair.